Unstoppable Legacy.

Intro / Review:

Leaving a Legacy: 4 Things I'd Like to Say at Your Funeral:

  1. Your name here had a sincere Faith. (Acts 20:17-21)

  2. Your name here followed Jesus, even when it was Hard. (Acts 20:22-24)
  1. Your name here loved God's Word. (Acts 20:25-30)

  2. Your name here loved to Give. (Acts 20:31-35)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 20:17-35

  1. What are the two sides of the Gospel, according to Acts 20:21? Why are both parts important? What happens if you leave a part out?
  2. Who do you know that follows Jesus no matter how hard his/her life gets (Acts 20:22-23)? How does this person inspire you?
  3. What are the characteristics of someone who loves God’s Word (Acts 20:25-32)?
    are ways the church can keep youth from disengaging? How can you help?

Breakout Questions:

In which of these areas are you weakest?: Sincere faith, following Jesus during hard times, loving God’s Word, being a giver. 
Have your breakout group pray for you to grow in that area.

Unstoppable Urgency.

Intro / Review:

Death to "Status Quo": Four Reasons You’'d Better Be Urgent in Ministry!

  1. Because people need Encouraged (Acts 20:1-2)

  2. Because enemies need Avoided (Acts 20:3-6)
  1. Because the youth need Engaged to your financial goals. (Acts 20:7-12)

  2. Because the plans need Made to your financial goals. (Acts 20:13-16)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 20:1-16

  1. Why did Paul spend so much time encouraging churches? What would have happened to these churches if he hadn't? What does this say about the way WE should encourage others in the church?
  2. In Acts 20:3, we see that Paul changed his plans so he could avoid the enemies who were after him. How do YOU know who you need to avoid and when? Can we know? If the Bible says to love our enemies, why would we ever avoid them?
  3. Who do YOU think takes the blame for Eutychus falling asleep (Acts 20:7-12)? Eutychus or Paul? Another option?
  4. What are ways the church can keep youth from disengaging? How can you help?

Breakout Questions:

Who do you know from our church that needs encouraged right now? Name that person to your breakout group, pray for them, and then you have 24 hours to encourage that person in some way (text, email, call, letter, card, your choice!).

Unstoppable and Blameless.

Intro / Review:

Proverbs 22:1 - A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.

A Good Name -> Riches.

  1. The love of money brings Destruction (Acts 19:21-29)

1 Timothy 6:10 - For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

Three Signs Money has Become Your God:

  1. You view Jesus/the Church as an Obstacle to your financial goals. (Acts 19:25)
  2. You religious Beliefs are based on your financial well-being. (Acts 19:26).
  3. You get Anxiety over the thought of losing money. (Acts 19:27).

  1. A good name brings Protection. (Acts 19:30-41)
  2. Titus 2:7-8 - Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us.

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 19:21-41

  1. How can you tell if YOU YOURSELF have made money an idol in your life? What are the signs? What should you do if you have the signs?
  2. What are ways the church today gets involved with idols? How can we be done with them?
  3. The town clerk, or "mayor" (Acts 19:35-41) stopped the riot. Should Christians use the government for protection / advancing the kingdom? To what extent?
  4. "I don't care what other people think about me!" Is this a Christian attitude? Why or why not?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for your witness and testimony to reflect Christ.
Pray for favor from even your non-believing friends who see Christ in you.
Pray that any persecution that comes is because of the Gospel, not your personality.



A Prayer for Harvest Bible Chapel: May Our New Home Be...
  1. A place where we Recognize God's goodness. (1 Kings 8:22-23)

  2. A place where we Study the Bible. (1 Kings 8:24-26)

  3. A place where we Say Our Prayers. (1 Kings 8:27-30)

  4. A place where Grace is valued. (1 Kings 8:30)

A Prayer for Harvest Bible Chapel: May Our New Home Be...

  1. A place where we Worship God from the heart.

  2. A place where we embrace God's Promises.

  3. A place where we Pray with Expectation.

  4. A place where grace is Lived and Proclaimed.

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 1 Kings 8:22-30

  1. How do you know God is active in a church? What are the signs?
  2. What is the significance of Solomon’s repeated use of the name "God of Israel"?
  3. What's the difference between "saying your prayers" and "praying"? How do you know which you are doing? How can you become a better "pray-er"?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for our church to be Christ-glorifying in our new place. Like Solomon prayed for the Temple: a place where the Word of God is believed and embraced (1 Kings 8:26) and where the people of God pray passionately (1 Kings 8:28)

Unstoppable Authenticity.

Intro / Review:

Am I Using God, or is God Using Me?

  1. Am I using God...? (Acts 19:11-16)

  2. ...Or is God using me? (Acts 19:17-20)

Four Truths You Must Embrace for True Repentance:

  • Repentance isn’t Partial.
  • Repentance isn’t Procrastinating.
  • Repentance is Pricey.
  • Repentance is Permanent.

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 19:11-20

  1. Why do you think God used the handkerchiefs and aprons of Paul to heal people?
  2. Why didn't the "exorcism" work for the sons of Sceva (Acts 19:13-16), even though they used the name of Jesus? What does this tell you about how the power of Jesus "works"?
  3. Do you think Satan can work miracles today? Discuss 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10. How do you know if a miracle is from God?
  4. Why is it better that God uses you, than you using God? 

Breakout Questions:

Have you ever tried to use God for your own selfish reasons? What got your attention that it wouldn’t work out how you want?
Pray for one another.