


A Prayer for Harvest Bible Chapel: May Our New Home Be...
  1. A place where we Recognize God's goodness. (1 Kings 8:22-23)

  2. A place where we Study the Bible. (1 Kings 8:24-26)

  3. A place where we Say Our Prayers. (1 Kings 8:27-30)

  4. A place where Grace is valued. (1 Kings 8:30)

A Prayer for Harvest Bible Chapel: May Our New Home Be...

  1. A place where we Worship God from the heart.

  2. A place where we embrace God's Promises.

  3. A place where we Pray with Expectation.

  4. A place where grace is Lived and Proclaimed.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 1 Kings 8:22-30

  1. How do you know God is active in a church? What are the signs?
  2. What is the significance of Solomon’s repeated use of the name "God of Israel"?
  3. What's the difference between "saying your prayers" and "praying"? How do you know which you are doing? How can you become a better "pray-er"?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for our church to be Christ-glorifying in our new place. Like Solomon prayed for the Temple: a place where the Word of God is believed and embraced (1 Kings 8:26) and where the people of God pray passionately (1 Kings 8:28)