June 2024

At our Generosity Initiative Kickoff Dinner in February 2024, we presented a three-phase approach to successfully building The Next Harvest. 

Phase I: Acquire Property for a New Worship Facility - COMPLETE!

Phase II: Evaluate the Property for Construction and Commission Drawings - IN PROGRESS!

Phase III: Build!

At the Generosity Initiative Dinner we said we needed to raise a minimum of $3 million to acquire property and to build. Indeed, some of our projections at the dinner were as high as $5 million for a total project cost.

We knew it was going to be challenging, because property is so expensive in our region. But we also said we were confident God would provide the right property in the right place at the right time

A week after our Kickoff Dinner He did just that: 11.5 acres of flat property for $850,000 went on the market, already zoned for a church in New Sewickley Township. The Elders and the RBC unanimously approved making an offer for the property. How were we able to do that when our generosity initiative had just begun?

A member of our congregation generously gave HBC $800,000 necessary to buy the land. HBC added $68,532 from the Building Fund to that gift to purchase the property. After the LORD completed Phase I in April 2024, we turned our attention to Phase II’s site planning and development years sooner than we could have ever anticipated. These developments are all answers to prayer - indeed, our Great Heavenly Father has answered in ways “far more abundantly” than all we could ask or think.

Listen to RBC Vice-Chairman Frank Santoro describe God’s generous provision of this unique property:

What Are The Needs for Phases II and III?

The RBC has learned a great deal about the cost to construct a building at 414 Klein Road. We are considering a building of between 10,000 and 12,000 square feet (for reference, HBC currently leases 9,266 square feet, not including hallways, restrooms, and kitchenette area).

The project cost for buildings of those size ranges from $3.2 to $3.7 million. We will need to obtain a loan of about $1.6 million. To qualify for that loan, we need to raise equity - a down payment. The down payment we are able to raise will determine the size of the new building. How quickly we raise the funds will determine when we can begin construction. The following table illustrates the two possible scenarios - a 10,000 and a 12,000 square foot building.

What is the Goal?

Our revised goal for Phases II and III is $2.08 million. That represents a real stretch for HBC, but raising that amount would provide us with more space on one level. But it also gives us options to build a 10,000 square foot first floor and add an unfinished basement for future expansion. The RBC is exploring all available options.

The top bar represents pledges & commitments to the generosity initiative (not actual giving)
the Middle bar represents all actual GIVING TO the generosity initiative to date. place your cursor over the bar to see the totals:

We must not lose sight of how generously God has provided through His people already. Even before the Generosity Initiative began in February, people had given gifts totaling over $250,000 to the Building Fund. Add in the gift to purchase the property, and over $1 million has been donated to make The Next Harvest a reality. But we need everyone at Harvest to be committed to this great undertaking!

How You Can Participate: Make a Pledge

Please log in with your email or phone number on the form below to submit a pledge. Making a pledge helps us determine how close we are to meeting the goal. 

Note: A pledge or commitment is a statement of intent and may be changed as your circumstances change.

How You Can Participate: Make a Gift

Click on the Button Below to Give


Click on the Button Below to Give ~~~

It is important to understand that all types of online giving require a small fee for each transaction when processing. Know that your gift(s) to Harvest go further by choosing to use your bank account (ACH) and selecting the option to cover the fee.

How You Participate: Pray

Our first priority is PRAYER! Our second priority is PRAYER! Prayer must always be our highest priority in this undertaking.

  1. That the Lord will give the Elders and the RBC clear direction regarding stewarding funds, the building size, and design.

  2. That we will be generous and cheerful givers

  3. Thanksgiving for the Lord’s generous provision of property in the right location where we can glorify and worship Him best!

  4. That the LORD will provide sufficient funds to complete site development and building design. Site development includes the environmental, zoning, and engineering studies necessary to ensure our proposed building complies with all applicable laws.

We are confident that the Lord will provide everything necessary for the size of building we will need, because He “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” ~ Ephesians 3:20-21

Want to Know More?

Watch the Relocation and Building Committee Finance Update presented on 16 June 2023:

A Note From Pastor Jeff

Pastor Jeff Miller - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

What a joy it is to see people come to Harvest Bible Chapel to know Jesus Christ. To worship Him. To love His people.

But we have just about maxed out our space in our current location. Yet, the Lord has been faithful in all His provision - and He has provided again!

God has given us almost 12 acres of flat land - right on the Cranberry / New Sewickley border. The next step is to put a building on it. A place where even more people can come to hear the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A place where children can come and learn the Word of God and make lifelong friendships. A place to train up more missionaries, pastors, and preachers. What an incredible opportunity we have to increase our capacity for ministry and our influence for Jesus in the community.

It looks like a monumental task, one that will never happen if the Lord doesn’t show up. And that’s exactly where we want to be - right in the place where God shows up. Will you partner with us? Will you join us on the journey through praying, giving, and serving? Will you invest in the Kingdom, and in how the Lord will use this church to broadcast His Word?

Will you partner with God and join in what He is doing through Harvest Bible Chapel?

Harvest Past, Present, and Future

Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North launched in October 2011 to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the North Hills.




The First 12 - The History of Harvest

  • In February we sent three men as part of a THINK Missions team to India to build a church.

    The Next Harvest Gets Underway!

    We acquired 11.5 acres located at 414 Klein Road in New Sewickley Township.

    First worship service at the new property is planned for August 4, 2024.

    • With our five year lease nearly half through and recognizing our steady growth, the elders chartered a Relocation and Building Committee (RBC) in June, and authorized the RBC to begin searching for property to build on, or a larger building to renovate.

    • RBC begins evaluating available properties within a ten mile radius of our present location

    • On 20 August we moved to two services to accommodate the growth in our children’s ministry and the number of adult worshippers in the auditorium - roughly 180 people each Sunday.

    • By December, combined weekly attendance at both services grows to approximately 250 adults and children.

    • Taylor Brown is hired as Associate Pastor

    • In response to COVID-19 restrictions, we began live-streaming our services

    • On Memorial Day weekend we returned to in-person worship

    • The Next 5 campaign launched! This was a massive step for Harvest and led the way for serving more people in need in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.

    • We added children’s classrooms to accommodate our burgeoning children’s program and expanded the auditorium at a cost of $120,000 - and accomplished it without debt due to the generosity of God’s people.

    • We sent a team of four men to Thailand for two weeks to teach at a week-long conference, training pastors, missionaries, and their wives on a wide range of doctrinal and practical topics, and then to visit the remote churches in the northern mountains.

    • The Next 3 expansion campaign provided the way for our Harvest Youth (Arrow) and Kids ministries to flourish in new space dedicated to them. We also added a small conference and storage room adjacent to the kitchen area. These additions provided fellowship space and gave small groups additional places to meet and grow. It also enabled us to serve our children faithfully each week as we grew from within: families were blessed with many new babies.

    • The Next 3 campaign began as a a humble decision to listen to God in prayer. This was a massive step for Harvest and led the way for serving more people in need in the North Hills of Pittsburgh. We were introduced to many new friends and families since entering our new home on June 4th 2017. Each step of the way God showed us that He provides for His people faithfully and completely when the need arises.

    • Another small group was added in Cranberry Township.

    • Pastor Jeff spent two weeks in Thailand to train young pastors in sermon preparation.

    • Arrow Student Ministry spent a week in Kentucky doing service projects and visiting the Creation Museum.

    • Harvest Kids collected over 200 non-perishable items for a local food bank.

    • Arrow Student Ministry launched in the Spring.

    • We sent a team of seven to do construction work on a pastor’s training center in Arad, Romania.

    • Harvest Kids raised over $800 for World Vision to purchase income-producing farm animals for families in Third World Countries.

    • Our first Small Group multiplication happened seamlessly.

    • The first class of three elders was installed.

    • Our church participated in its first short term missions trip by sending one of our members with a team from Phoenix to Moldova to conduct a week-long family summer camp.

    • Small groups launched.

    • October 2, 2011 - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North launched!

    • Harvest Pittsburgh North started with a few people and no money.

    • The Core Group went from meeting in a basement, to a chiropractor's office, to Marshall Middle School.

    • The church needed over $80,000 dollars worth of equipment, signage, trailer, etc. We had enough money to buy the trailer (empty)!

    • God provided many of the things we needed by having them donated, then provided the funds to purchase the rest.