Serving Opportunities — Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

There are many places to get plugged in and work for the Lord at Harvest Pittsburgh. Anyone is welcome to jump on board to help out with the Student or Harvest Kids ministries; Hospitality, Facilities, Prayer, and Worship teams are always looking for additional support. If any of those or others listed below interest you please contact and we'll get in touch with you about joining this team of dedicated followers of Jesus Christ our Lord!


There are specific current needs listed below, check them out and inquire if interested:

Weekend Warriors

Love getting your hands dirty by diving right into the thick of it? Well then we can certainly use plenty of additional volunteers to join the facilities team in order to keep our worship space up and running. If audio and visual tech is your thing, come be a roadie or grip to help setup speaker monitors, video screens, turn knobs and push buttons on the sound board once and awhile. Having extra hands allows for our dedicated team to create a crew that can be refreshed each week to glorify God through this amazing act of service for our congregation to join together in worship.


TEch-DuDe Named Ben

Is HTML your friend or just one of the many dozens of languages you know like the back of your hand? Harvest is seeking a volunteer to help us continue to pursue excellence in Christ through all of our digital platforms. Anyone that is interested or semi-knowledgeable about SEO, website analytics, databases, or just plain loves to poke at code from time to time is just what we're looking for. Also, you don't have to be named Ben... Chad or Greg works too, we won't say no to anyone with a passion to share the love of Christ through code!


Photographer and Videographer

Do you love to communicate powerfully with images? Got a knack for seeing the exposure triangle and rule of thirds in your eye? Do you want to capture the moments where you can tangibly see God working in other people's lives? We have a big need in having a dedicated person or people that love to create professional content for print and digital media. Even if it's just your hobby, we love seeing the talent and skill that's been given from the Lord.


Social Media Champion

Do you live, breathe, and never let go of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram? Love serving the Lord by reaching out to others in need? Well if you're the butterfly of the social universe we'd love to have you join us in reaching out to those who need to hear God's Word and love for them each and everyday! =ộ⍛ộ=

Keeping everyone up to speed by filling in the online events and tweeting them out to the masses will help too!


Graphic Designer

Do you see hexagons everywhere?!?! Me either, but it's a phenomenon apparently. Either way...if you can't stand watching someone else poke around the menu system of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and the like without screaming at them that there are three keyboard shortcuts to do it in 5 nano-seconds...then we've got a few things to throw your way. God likes, no LOVES, awesome design! Have you looked away from the screen lately or walked outside much to breathe that fantastic air he made, or gawked at the majestic sunsets He paints every now and again? Bob Ross, eat your heart out! Harvest is looking for another designer after God's own heart, join us in serving Him!


For information on any of these, email