Politics and Religion: Rendering What is Due

  1. A "Foolproof" Plan to Stop Jesus. (Mk 12:13-15):

  2. Jesus Gives the Final Answer on POLITICS and RELIGION. (Mk 12:16-17)

  1. God ORDAINED government.

  2. The government is not GOD and God is not the GOVERNMENT.

  3. God's people PAY what they owe:

    - To their GOVERNMENT

    - To their GOD

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 12:13-17

  1. What are some things that a Christian should "render to God"?
  2. God ordained the government. Read Romans 13:1-7 and note all the words used to describe the government (Discussion leaders: hint - appointed, servant, avenger, ministers). Is this true even if the government has no regard for God? How should Christians be subject to the government, even if it is corrupt? 

Breakout Questions:

How does this message change the way you view submitting to the government and paying your taxes?

Rejected: From Cast Aside to Cornerstone

Guest Speaker: Taylor Brown

  1. Jesus's story: FRUITLESSNESS leads to destruction. (Mk 12:1-9)

  2. God's plan in the story: REJECTION leads to exaltation. (Mk 12:10-11)

  3. Audience reaction: HARDHEARTEDNESS leads to rebellion. (Mk 12:12)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 12:1-12

  1. Like the wicked tenants in the story, why do we so often hoard the resources God has given to us and live as if we don’t owe God anything? Discuss some steps that you as a small group can take to be more faithful stewards of your time, talents, and resources on a daily basis.
  2. Why do we live in fear of rejection so much as Christians? What are some ways you can begin to experience freedom from the enslavement of other people’s opinions of you?
  3. Is Jesus the foundation of your family, your career, and every other aspect of your life? If Jesus isn’t your foundation then was has taken His place as the central point of your life?

Breakout Questions:

Pray that Jesus would be the foundation your lives are built upon.

Authority: Who does He think He is?

"Question, Jesus: WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" (Mk 11:27-33)

3 Wrong Ways to Respond to the Authority of Jesus:

  1. Just QUESTION it. (Mk 11:28)

  2. Just don't DEAL with it. (Mk 11:31-33)

  3. Just PRETEND to accept it. (Mk 11:31)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 11:27-33

  1. Why didn't the religious leaders accept Jesus' authority? Why don't people in our day?
  2. Why did Jesus' question take them to John the Baptist? What did their answer reveal about them?
  3. What are some ways people let "popular opinion" shape their beliefs?

Breakout Questions:

What is an area of Jesus’ authority you struggle with? Pray for one another about your "authority issues".

Prayer: How to Throw a Mountain

  1. Why do I pray? Because no prayer = no FRUIT . (Mk 11:12-16)

  2. Why do I pray? Because Jesus says it's PRIORITY . (Mk 11:17-19)

  3. How do I pray?
  1. REMEMBER God's history. (Mk 11:20-21)

  2. RECOGNIZE prayer is about God. (Mk 11:22)

  3. RAISE your expectations. (Mk 11:23)

  4. RECEIVE the answer by Faith. (Mk 11:24)

  5. RECONCILE with people who need forgiveness. (Mk 11:25)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 11:12-25

As a group, explain why Jesus cursed the fig tree.

  1. What does it mean to pray "according to God's will". How does that empower your prayer? What is NOT "praying according to God's will"? (give an example)
  2. Share ways you/we can all make prayer more of a priority in our own lives.
  3. Is your church a "house of prayer"? How can you improve the prayer priority at your church?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another. Take turns seeing who can throw their mountain the furthest!

"Triumphal" Entry: Arrival of the King

What Kind of King is this?

  1. SOVEREIGN King: Trust Him to keep his WORD. (Mk 11:1-6)

  2. MISUNDERSTOOD King: Don't expect what He's not OFFERING. (Mk 11:7-11)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 11:1-11

  1. Describe, in your own words, what the "Triumphal Entry" was all about. Why did Jesus ride in on a donkey? What did that signify?
  2. What was the crowd expecting from Jesus? How do you think it affected their attitude towards Him when He didn't overthrow Rome?
  3. What are some things people want "saved from" today? How do people react when Jesus doesn't give them what they want? How should that shape how believers pray?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another:

  • Passionately
  • Persistently
  • Specifically