Prayer: How to Throw a Mountain

  1. Why do I pray? Because no prayer = no FRUIT . (Mk 11:12-16)

  2. Why do I pray? Because Jesus says it's PRIORITY . (Mk 11:17-19)

  3. How do I pray?
  1. REMEMBER God's history. (Mk 11:20-21)

  2. RECOGNIZE prayer is about God. (Mk 11:22)

  3. RAISE your expectations. (Mk 11:23)

  4. RECEIVE the answer by Faith. (Mk 11:24)

  5. RECONCILE with people who need forgiveness. (Mk 11:25)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 11:12-25

As a group, explain why Jesus cursed the fig tree.

  1. What does it mean to pray "according to God's will". How does that empower your prayer? What is NOT "praying according to God's will"? (give an example)
  2. Share ways you/we can all make prayer more of a priority in our own lives.
  3. Is your church a "house of prayer"? How can you improve the prayer priority at your church?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another. Take turns seeing who can throw their mountain the furthest!