Coming Soon!

To the Lukewarm Church: Come to Christ!

Intro / Review:

Progress Report: Laodicea. (Rev 3:14-22):

  1. The CRITICISM. Your lukewarmness makes Jesus Spew. (Rev 3:15-17)
  2. The COMMAND. Go after what Jesus Offers! (Rev 3:18-20)
  3. The CALL. Be Seated with Jesus. (Rev 3:21-22)

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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 3:14-22


  1. Do you think Jesus was addressing SAVED or UNSAVED people in Laodicea? Defend your answer!

  2. How does Rev 3:17 describe the American church? Explain.

  3. Why is Jesus so “hard” with the way He speaks to this church? How is He being loving and gracious (Rev 3:18-19)?


Are you, or have you been acting, lukewarm? This is your wake-up call. What’s your plan to repent (Rev 3:19)? Pray for one another!

To the Faithful Church: Keep Holding On!

Intro / Review:

Progress Report: Philadelphia. (Rev 3:7-13):

  1. The COMMENDATION: Your Faithfulness brings security. (Rev 3:8-10)
  2. RAPTURE 101

    What is the Rapture? - The rapture is the future event when Jesus Christ descends from heaven to gather his people, those who died and those living, to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air, to receive their glorified bodies and be kept from the 7 year Tribulation on the earth.

3 New Testament passages teach the Rapture:

John 14:1-4, 1 Cor 15:51-54, 1 Thes 4:13-5:11

  • The Rapture is NOT the "Second Coming".
  • When is the Rapture?
  • Why I Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture:
  1. It's the most Straightfoward understanding of the biblical language.

    1 Thes 5:9 - For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ...

  2. We never see the Church in the tribulation in Revelation!
  3. Many of the common arguments against pre-trib rapture don't have Substance.
  1. The COMMAND. Hold on Securely. (Rev 3:11)
  2. The CALL. Security is for Eternity ! (Rev 3:12-13)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 3:7-13


  1. What is the Rapture? What reasons were given in the message for a “Pre-Tribulation” Rapture?

  2. How is the Rapture different from the Second Coming? Compare 1 Thes 4:16-17 and Rev 19:14.

  3. How are trials and hardships good for your faith? Be specific!?


Pray for one another!

To The Dead Church: Wake Up

Intro / Review:

Progress Report: Sardis (Rev 3:1-6):

  1. The CRITICISM. Wake up! Because you're Dying, not thriving. (Rev 3:1-2)
    1. Live in the past
    2. Come to get not give
    3. Compromise on doctrine
    4. Ignore doctrine completely
    5. Have no accountability or challenge to grow
  1. The COMMAND. Stay woke! Because the Lord is Coming. (Rev 3:3)
  2. The CALL. Walke in white! Because you Belong to Christ! (Rev 3:4-6)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 3:1-6


  1. Have you ever attended / visited a “dead” church? What made you think it was dead? Describe it (no names, please!).

  2. What did Jesus mean by “incomplete works” (Rev 3:2)? How do you evaluate works that are “complete”?

  3. Specifically: how can a few believers in a dead church help wake the rest up (Rev 3:2-3)?


Pray for one another!

To The Tolerant Church: Repent

Intro / Review:

Progress Report: Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29):

  1. The COMMENDATION. You're Growing! (Rev 2:19)
  2. The CRITICISM. You Tolerate Jezebel! (Rev 2:14-15)
  3. How to spot a Jezebel

    1. Watch out for someone that says, God ToldMe..."(Rev 2:20)
    1. Watch out for the person who is starting a Curch within the church. (Rev 2:20)
    2. Watch out for the person who refuses to Repent. (Rev 2:21)
  1. The COMMAND. Hold fast! (Rev 2:24-25)
  2. The CALL. You will Rule with Jesus! (Rev 2:26-29)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 2:18-29


  1. What are the signs the church is maturing (Rev 2:19)? How would you evaluate HBCPN?

  2. Review the “red flags” of a Jezebel. Have you ever encountered a Jezebel at a church? How was it handled?

  3. Explain the difference between REGRET, REMORSE, and REPENTANCE. Why are REGRET and REMORSE not the same as Biblical REPENTANCE?


His is a safe place to discuss struggle with sexual sin. What steps have you taken to avoid sexual sin? Do you need to repent of anything (inappropriate relationship, pornography) NOW?

Pray for one another to “hold fast” (Rev 2:25).

To the Compromising Church: Use Discernment!

Intro / Review:

Progress Report: Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17):

  1. The COMMENDATION. Holding Jesus' Name (Rev 2:13)
  2. The CRITICISM. (Some) Holding false Teaching (Rev 2:14-15)
  3. The CORRECTION. Repent (Rev 2:16)
  4. The CALL. A new Name ! (Rev 2:17)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 2:12-17

  1. What is the strangest thing you have heard taught at a church? (Pastor Jeff took a Facebook poll, if you have access to that and want to discuss!)

  2. What are some ways idolatry creeps into the church?

  3. Specifically - what steps should you take if you hear false teaching at Harvest Bible Chapel?


Pray for discernment for HBC always. Pray we stand strong against any false teaching that is held by people in the church.