Intro / Review:
Progress Report: Sardis (Rev 3:1-6):
- The CRITICISM. Wake up! Because you're Dying, not thriving. (Rev 3:1-2)
- Live in the past
- Come to get not give
- Compromise on doctrine
- Ignore doctrine completely
- Have no accountability or challenge to grow
- The COMMAND. Stay woke! Because the Lord is Coming. (Rev 3:3)
- The CALL. Walke in white! Because you Belong to Christ! (Rev 3:4-6)
Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!
Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 3:1-6
Have you ever attended / visited a “dead” church? What made you think it was dead? Describe it (no names, please!).
What did Jesus mean by “incomplete works” (Rev 3:2)? How do you evaluate works that are “complete”?
Specifically: how can a few believers in a dead church help wake the rest up (Rev 3:2-3)?
Pray for one another!