God is With Me, So I Will Not Fear.

Review / Introduction:

  1. Final word for Christ-Followers: Work as hard as you can, and Trust as hard as you can. (Acts 28:23-24)
  2. Review: Isaiah 6:9-10

  3. Final word for Christ-Rejecters: Count the cost of Following Christ, then count the cost of Not Following Christ. (Acts 28:25-28)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 28:17-31

  1. Why do you think Acts ends abruptly as it does?

  2. Why do you think Paul went after the Jews in Rome first, if he knew "the Gentiles will listen" (Acts 28:28)?

  3. As a group, determine: in sharing the Gospel, what are the "main points" you must include?

  4. What was your big "take-away" from this passage / message?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another.

God is At Work, So I Will Not Fear.

Review / Introduction:

3 People You Have to Deal With:

  1. The Critic: Don't get Distracted by Him. (Acts 28:1-6)
    • How to Handle Criticism:

    • Consider the source
    • Don't take it personally
    • Ask, "Is it true?"
    • Say, "Thank you for the feedback."
  2. The Hurting: Don't be too Busy for Him. (Acts 28:7-10)
  3. The Brother: Don't rob Him of a Blessing. (Acts 28:11-16)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 28:1-16

  1. Honestly - How do people's opinion of you affect you? How do you typically handle criticism (Acts:1-6)?

  2. How are you encouraging others right now? How are you letting others encourage you? (Acts 21:15)

  3. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another. Who do you know that needs encouragement this week? How are you going to reach out to him/her/them?

I Will Not Fear the Storm. Part 2

Review / Introduction:

I Can Be Fearless Knowing God is In Control:

  1. You will find there is no Plan B. (Acts 27:27-32)
  2. You will find things to be Thankful for. (Acts 27:33-38)
  3. Romans 1:21 - For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they obecame futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

  4. You will find Favor even from non-Christians. (Acts 27:39-44)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 27:27-44

  1. Why is praying and trusting God often the "last resort" - even for many Christians? Why do we find it so hard to wait and trust, when things are out of control?

  2. If you are going through a trial right now, what is one thing you can be thankful for (be specific)?

  3. What was your big "take-away" from the passage this week?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another.

I Will Not Fear the Storm. Part 1

Review / Introduction:

How Can I Be Fearless When I Have No Control?

  1. Surround yourself with other Believers. (Acts 27:1-8)
  2. Accept that you can't make all the Decisions. (Acts 27:9-12)
  3. Recite God's Promises. (Acts 27:13-26)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 27:1-26

  1. Why do you think many (not all!) Christians run FROM the church instead of TO the church during difficult times (Acts 27:3)?

  2. Tell of a time that someone else’s bad decisions directly caused YOU problems / pain. How did you handle it?

  3. What promises of God do you cling to for comfort during difficult times (which specific verses in the Bible)?

  4. Do you think Paul ever doubted / was afraid for his life on this trip (Acts 27:21-25)? Why or why not?

Breakout Questions:

What is it in your life RIGHT NOW that troubles you, that you have no control over? Pray for each other SPECIFICALLY for that thing.

1 Word from the Tomb

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!"

Review: Matthew 28:6


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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Matthew 28:6

  1. Why do you think nobody saw Jesus actually resurrect, they just saw the empty tomb at first?

  2. Why is the resurrection the focal point of faith? Why is believing Jesus resurrected the most important thing (See Romans 10:9)?

  3. How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ impact your daily living today?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.