The Power of the Word. - Part 2


Why dying for Jesus is a Glorious Thing:

  1. You experience God's Glory! (Acts 7:54-56)

  2. See 1 Peter 4:13-14

  3. You give the ultimate Witness! (Acts 7:57-58)

  4. See Matt 26:63-64 | Acts 22:20

  5. You go to Heaven! (Acts 7:59)

  6. See 2 Corinthians 5:8 | Philippians 1:23

  7. You get to reflect Jesus! (Acts 7:60)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 7:54-60

Icebreaker: Besides Jesus / the Gospel, what or who would you be willing to die for (if anything)?

  1. What is the significance of Jesus standing up in this scene? How does this give YOU confidence?

  2. Would you be ready to die for Christ? Do you think you’d feel differently when the time came? Why or why not?

Breakout Questions:

Be honest: have you ever thought about dying for Christ? Would you take a mission trip to a country hostile towards the Gospel if you believed God called you to? If you are struggling with this willingness to give it all for Jesus, pray about that as a breakout group!

The Power of the Word.

Using the Word of God to defend your faith, the Stephen way.

  1. State the Facts: Israel has a history of constantly Rebeling against God and Rejecting the people God sends. (Acts 7:1-50)

    • God: (Acts 7:1-16)
    • Moses: (Acts 7:17-37)
    • Law: (Acts 7:38-43)
    • Temple: (Acts 7:44-50)
    • See Isaiah 66:1-2

  2. Make Your Point: History is Repeating itself. (Acts 7:51-53)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 7:1-53

  1.  Say it in a sentence: what was Stephen’s sermon about? What was his main point?

  2. What are some things Stephen did in his sermon to defend his faith? How is this an example for us?

  3. What is resisting the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:51)? How do you know if someone is resisting the Holy Spirit?

Breakout Questions:

  1. Is there any area of your life where you are resisting the Holy Spirit? Pray over these things.

The Power of Persecution.

The Profile of Persecutors:

  1. Persecutors target Godly people. (Acts 6:8)

  2. Why Persecution? (1 Pet 2:21 | 1 Pet 4:12-19)

    1. So I won't be surprised
    2. So I will know how to respond
    3. So I may share in the sufferings of Jesus
    4. So I may be a strong witness (1 Tim 2:3)

  3. Persecutors are often Religious people. (Acts 6:9-10)

  4. Persecutors will Lie about you. (Acts 6:11-14)

  5. Persecutors will not Pity you. (Acts 6:15)

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Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 6:8-15

  1. Do we have to “have our act together” to be a good witness? How does our character tie into our witness?
    Which character quality of Stephen’s do you most need to focus on for your own walk? The Bible says he was full of the Spirit, wisdom, faith, grace, and power (Acts 6:3,5,8). How will you go about working on it?

  2. *Why are some “religious” people, those that actually go to church and say they believe in God and His Word (like the religious Jews in this passage), so hard to reach with the Gospel? How can we help religious people to see their need for forgiveness and eternal life only found in Jesus?

  3. What motivates people to make up accusations, and spread them to others, regarding Christians (Acts 6:11-13)? How should you respond when this happens to you?

  4. Bonus question: Acts 6:15 says the council saw that Stephen had the face of an angel. What does that mean, and what is the significance?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

The Power of the Team

We All Serve on the Team...

  1. So Needs can be met. (Acts 6:1-3)

  2. So Conflict can be avoided. (Acts 6:1)

  3. So Everyone can use their spiritual gifts. (Acts 6:4-5)

  4. So the church will continue to Grow. (Acts 6:6-7)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 6:1-6

  1. What reasons were given the leaders couldn’t serve the widows (Acts 6:2 & Acts 6:4)? What are the apostles / elders to focus on?

  2. Why were there spiritual requirements for those selected to serve the widows (Acts 6:3)? What does this say about serving in the church?

  3. What areas of neglect do you observe at HBC? How can we meet that need? (And someone please notify the elders with your answer!)

Breakout Questions:
In what area do YOU serve at HBC? If “nowhere yet”, in what area would you like to get involved? What steps do you need to take to step up? (And someone please notify the elders with your answer!)

Unstoppable Power

When Christ is proclained...

  1. Some people will Hate... (Acts 5:33)

  2. Review Matthew 10:24 | John 13:16 | John 15:20

    Why do people hate the gospel?

    • It shows them that they are wrong.
    • It tells them that they can't save themselves.

  3. Some people will Avoid... (Acts 5:34-39)

  4. But God's people will Rejoice and Endure! (Acts 5:40-42)
  5. Three signs of authentic faith

    1. Persecution
    2. Praise
    3. Preseverance

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 5:33-42

  1. What exactly caused the huge backlash in verse Acts 5:33? Can you share a time someone hated you (or hates you now) because you’re a Christian? How did/do you handle it?

  2. What do you think Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39) really believed? Why do you think that? What do you think about his advice to the council?

  3. In Acts 5:41, why were the disciples rejoicing? Why is that a cause for celebration? Be honest - do you celebrate hardship? How can you begin to rejoice over suffering if you haven’t already?

Breakout Questions:

  1. Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another.