Incomparably Sovereign.

  1. God is Incomparably Sovereign... (Is 45:1-8)
  2. See 2 Kings 20

  3. I can either Resist or Rest in His sovereignty. (Is 45:9-13)

  4. Two Reasons Resisting is a Bad Idea:

    1. Because resisting is Foolish. (Is 45:9-10)

    2. Because resisting is Futile. (Is 45:11)

    Two Reasons Resting is a Great Idea:

    1. Because God has Proven Himself. (Is 45:12)

    2. Because God's Plan is for my good. (Is 45:13)

    See Romans 8:28-29

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Isaiah 45:1-13

  1. What does sovereign mean? If God is sovereign, why do people resist / challenge God’s sovereignty in their own lives? (Is 45:9-10)

  2. What’s the difference between someone asking the Lord and demanding of the Lord (Is 45:11)? What is the heart condition of each position?

Breakout Questions:

  1. What trial / circumstance in your life have you struggled to trust God’s sovereignty?
  2. What trial / circumstance has caused you to be frustrated or even bitter? Pray over these things.

Incomparably Loving.

  1. God is Incomparably Loving... (Is 43:4a)

  2. See: Rom 9-11 | Rom 11

  3. I am Secure. (Is 43:1-11)

    1. I am secure because I am Paid For. (Is 43:1)

    2. See: 1 Cor 6:20 | 1 Cor 7:28 | Acts 20:28 | Heb 9:12

    3. I am secure because I am Protected. (Is 43:2-4)

    4. I am secure because my Future is written. (Is 43:5-9)

    5. See: John 14:1-4

    6. I am secure because I am Chosen. (Is 43:10-11)

    7. See: Rom 8:29-30 | John 6:44 | Eph 1:11 | Matt 5:16

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Isaiah 43:1-11

  1. From this passage, describe ways God expresses His Incomparable Love!

  2. Is 43:7 says God created His people for His glory. What does that mean? What does that look like in your life?

  3. Explain how you understand the doctrine of election, that is, “God chooses us”. How would you explain it to a new Christian that never heard the concept before? How does this concept tie into God’s Incomparable Love?

Breakout Questions:
Confess your sins and pray for one another.

Incomparably Awesome.

Isaiah 46:5 - To whom will you liken me and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be alike?

  1. God is Incomparably Awesome... (Is 40:9-26)
  2. He is:

    1. Awesome in Compassion . (Is 40:9-11)

    2. Awesome in Wisdom. (Is 40:12-17)

    3. Awesome over Idols. (Is 40:18-20)

    4. Awesome over Rulers. (Is 40:21-26)

  3. He can take Care of me. (Is 40:27-31)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Isaiah 40:9-31

  1. Why does God use this "comparison” language in Isaiah? (Is 46:5, Is 40:18, 25). What’s His point in repeatedly asking “to what will you liken me”?

  2. In what areas do you feel weak right now (Is 40:29-31)? For what do you need God’s strength?

  3. If people believe God is awesome, why do we so often settle for empty religion instead of trusting His power? (Is 40:18-20, 27)

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Incomparably Just.

Better Days Are Ahead, Because a Better Ruler is Coming.

  1. Better days are ahead. (Is 9:1-5)

    • Misery will be over. (Is 9:1-3)

    • War will be over. (Is 9:4-5)

  2. Because a better ruler is coming. (Is 9:6-7)

    • He's perfect in His Character. (Is 9:6)

    • He's perfect in His Leadership. (Is 9:7)

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Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Isaiah 9:1-7

  1. If justice is coming eventually, what should we do in the meantime? Read 1 Peter 2:21-23. What does this passage say about how we should deal with injustice (especially the end of 1 Pet 2:23)?

  2. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-2. How can we pray for blatantly wicked leaders?

  3. How can you encourage someone dealing with the misery of injustice?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Incomparably Holy.

God's Holiness Defines Him and Changes Me.

  1. God's holiness Defines Him. (Is 6:1-4)

  2. God's holiness Changes me. (Is 6:5-8)

    1. Encountering His holiness Breaks me. (Is 6:5)

    2. When I am broken, I am ready to be Cleansed. (Is 6:6-7)

    3. When I am cleansed, I am ready to Serve Him. (Is 6:8)

5 Signs That Indicate That You're Not Broken:

  1. "I'm not that bad."

  2. "I'm not as bad as..."

  3. "I intend to stop this sin...sometime."

  4. "God understands why I have to do this."

  5. "I'll clean up my act, then I'll come to Jesus."

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Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Isaiah 6:1-8

  1. Why was it important for Isaiah to see God seated on the throne (Is 6:1)? Does this encourage you in light of our country’s current political scene?
  2. In your own words, define “holiness”.
  3. How does seeing God’s holiness affect man (see Is 6:5)? Why is that?
  4. Upon encountering God’s holiness, Isaiah noticed first he was a “man of unclean lips” and he lived among a “people of unclean lips”. What does that mean, and how can you apply that to yourself and our culture?
  5. Why did Isaiah need cleansed before he responded to the call to ministry? What does this say about you and I?

Breakout Questions:

  1. Pray for God to grab each of us afresh with His holiness.