God is Good?

Questioning God's goodness takes me to a BAD PLACE . (Ps 13:1-2)

The Progression of Depression:

  1. I am FORGOTTEN . (Ps 13:1a)

  2. I am FORSAKEN . (Ps 13:1b)

  3. I am DEPRESSED . (Ps 13:2a)

  4. I am DEFEATED . (Ps 13:2b)

Moving from "God is Good?" to "God is Good!"

  1. Get REAL with God. (Ps 13:3-4)

  2. Look at the BIG PICTURE . (Ps 13:5-6)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 13

  1. David mentions his "enemy" in verses 2 and 4. How would you apply what he says to your own life?
  2. Why is David's focus on the past and the future in verses 5 and 6? What does this tell you about how you should view your life during a trial?
  3. CHILDREN'S QUESTION Have you ever felt like God is ignoring you? What should we do when we feel that way? (Explain to your child that God IS there, and He DOES care, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Sometimes when we are sad, we feel alone and that God has left us - but He promised to NEVER leave us!) 

Breakout Questions:

Did you abide through prayer and Bible reading this week? What specifically are you moved to change or apply this week and how are you going to apply it?

Pray for one another.

God's Grace is Good

What Fires Me Up About Grace:

  1. I am FORGIVEN ! (Ps 32:1-2)

  2. I have nothing to HIDE ! (Ps 32:3-5)

  3. I have nothing to FEAR ! (Ps 32:6-7)

  4. I have nothing to FIGURE OUT ! (Ps 32:8-9)

  5. I am LOVED ! (Ps 32:10-11)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
int: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 32

  1. Define "grace" - what does it mean and what does it mean to you?
  2. God has promised to instruct you and teach you (Ps 32:8). How does He do that? How has He been doing that for you?
  3. Share a personal testimony of why YOU are thankful and celebrate God's grace!


Breakout Questions:

Confess anything you have tried to hide from God. Pray for one another.

Deadly Disobedience

Five Lessons of Deadly Disobedience:

  1. Nadab and Abihu (Leviticus 10:1-2) -

  2. Achan (Joshua 7:19-26) -

  3. Uzzah (2 Samuel 6:6) -

  4. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) -

  5. Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) -

Without Severe Consequences...

  1. DISOBEDIENCE would appear profitable.

  2. The Holy Spirit would appear to have been DECEIVED .

  3. God would appear to tolerate hypocrisy and DEFEAT / DECEPTION .

Jay Knauer - HBCPN Elder

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):

  1. As we see in the Biblical examples of Nadab and Abihu, Achan, Uzzah, Ananias and Sapphira, disobedience brought tragic, physical death. Does God's Word say there is something worse? If so, what?
  2. Warfare is constant on a spiritual level, even to Christians. We try to be obedient to God, but fail quite often and sin. What truths do you find in the Bible give us hope when we sin?

Breakout Questions:

Give one example of an act of disobedience that caused wounds in your life. Have those wounds healed, even partially? If yes, share some details around how they were healed. If no, God has the power to heal. Go to Him right now and lift up any hurting brother or sister in prayer.

God's Word is Good!

God Has Made Himself Known:

General Relevation: God's CREATION (Ps 19:1-6)

Special Relevation: God's WORD (Ps 19:7-14)

God's Word is Good!

I NEED God's Word. (Ps 19:7-9)

  1. It lead me to LIFE . (Ps 19:7a)

  2. It WISES me up. (Ps 19:7b)

  3. It BRINGS me joy. (Ps 19:8a)

  4. It GUIDES my way. (Ps 19:8b)

I WANT God's Word. (Ps 19:10-14)

  1. I see it's VALUE . (Ps 19:10)

  2. I see it's IMPACT . (Ps 19:11)

  3. I see it's AUTHOR . (Ps 19:12-14)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 19

  1. Explain the difference between General Revelation and Special Revelation. What is the purpose of each?
  2. How can I grow in desiring God’s Word more (Ps 19:10)?
  3. Share a specific way God's Word is impacting you in this season of your life.

Breakout Questions:

How is your personal intake of God's Word right now? How can you do better? Pray for one another.

God is Good!

God's Goodness Affects Me...

  1. It makes me RESPOND . (Ps 100:1-2)

  2. It makes me RELY . (Ps 100:3)

  3. It makes me REACT . (Ps 100:4)

  4. It makes me REMEMBER . (Ps 100:5)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 100

  1. Why is "love for God" the only real motivator to work for God?
  2. What is the connection between faith and thankfulness? What is the connection between faithlessness and ungratefulness?
  3. How is God's past faithfulness a motivator for today? How can you allow it to motivate you today?

Breakout Questions:

Has your testimony this week been faithful to the love you have for Jesus Christ in both your words and actions? How? Pray for one another.