How to Worship Through Giving


How to Make Giving an Act of Worship (2 Corinthians 9:7):

  1. Give Intentionally . (2 Cor 9:7a)

    Intentional Giving Means:

    1. When I'm paid, I give to God First - every time.
    2. I love God enough to put serious Thought into it.
    3. I give Proportionately to what God's given me.
  2. Give Willingly . (2 Cor 9:7b)
  3. Give Cheerfully . (2 Cor 9:7c)

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that He Gave His Only Son!

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
(2 Corinthians 9:7)

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

  2. Explain the principle of “firstfruits”. How does that principle apply to financially giving to the church? Why is it important?

  3. Should Christians tithe, if tithing isn’t explicitly commanded in the New Testament? Why or why not?

  4. How do you know that you are giving from the heart, and not merely giving to avoid feeling guilty for not giving?

  5. What does it mean that “God loves a cheerful giver”? What IS a cheerful giver?

Pray for one another.