3 Reasons for Discipline:
- Correction
- Prevention
- Edification
Discipline is Good for Me (Hebrews 12:4-11):
- Because it is From God . (Heb 12:4-5)
1 Thessalonians 5:18 - ...give thanks in all circumstances...
- Because it Proves I'm His Child. (Heb 12:6-8)
- Because it makes me Like Jesus . (Heb 12:9-11)
Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!
Small Group Discussion
Read Hebrews 12:4-11
What was your big take-away from this passage / message?
“All of your hardships are ultimately God’s sovereign plan to discipline you.” How can you support this Biblically?
Tell of a specific lesson you have learned through God’s discipline. How did He discipline you? How did you come to realize the lesson?
Pray for one another.