What Do I Need to Remember?


Solomon's Study Guide for Ecclesiastes:
(Ecclesiastes 12:9-14)

  1. My search for wisdom Will be Painful and Satisfying . (Eccl 12:9-12)
  1. My life is all about WWorshipping and Obeying the Lord. (Eccl 12:13)

    Ecclesiastes 12:13 - The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

  2. My thoughts, words, and actions are Eternally Significant . (Eccl 12:14)

    David Gibson - "Ecclesiastes says that a day is coming when some people will discover that they are not ready for the most important event in the world. And it won’t be a dream. Their life has been one long exercise in avoiding reality and ignoring what is coming toward them – death and judgment are coming."

    2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Read Ecclesiastes

  1. What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

  2. Why do we get off track so often on our spiritual journey? How does the Lord get our attention and goad us in the right direction (Eccl 12:11)? How is He calling you to change right now?

  3. How can you tell if you are living for the Lord or for yourself? What are the tell-tale signs of leading a self-centered life?

  4. Why does Solomon end Ecclesiastes with a word on judgement (Eccl 12:14)? How should this change the way we live from one day to the next?

Pray for one another.