When Jesus Says "It is Finished" (John 19:28-30):
- He means Everything is finished. (John 19:28-29)
Psalm 69:21 - ...for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink.
Exodus 12:22 - Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin.
- He means it is Totally finished. (John 19:30)
Hebrews 10:4 - For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!
Small Group Discussion
Read John 19:28-30
What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?
Explain the significance of Jesus saying “I thirst” (John 19:28). What does this reveal about Jesus that is important for us to understand?
When Jesus said “It is finished” - what exactly was “finished”? How does this truth affect the way we live today as Christ-followers?
Pray for one another.