Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Prayer


Knowing His Prayer: What Jesus Wants for His Disciples (John 17:1-19):

  1. He wants you to be Authentic . (John 17:6-7)
  1. He wants you to be Protected . (John 17:11-16)
  2. He wants you to be Used . (John 17:17-19)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Read John 17:1-19

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Why do you think many Christians' prayer list is mainly for physical illnesses? Why don't many Christians pray for spiritual / Kingdom matters?

  3. Why ISN'T Jesus praying for the world (John 17:9)? Why is Jesus' prayer focused on disciples? What does this say about how we should pray?

  4. Since Jesus prayed for protection for us, why do so many disciples experience hardships? What exactly was Jesus praying for when He asked the Father to “keep us” (John 17:11)?

Pray for the 3 things Jesus prayed for disciples: that we would be authentic, protected, and used by God.