Finding Joy in Work


We Have Joy in Work Because...
(Ecclesiastes 3:9-15)

  1. It is a Gift from God. (Eccl 3:13b)
  2. We are Made for working. (Eccl 3:10-11a)
  3. It leads us to the "Big Picture".
    (Eccl 3:11b,14-15)

3 Ways Eternity Changes Our Work:

  1. It changes our Mindsets of why we work.
  2. It keeps work in its Proper Perspective .
  3. It helps us to Reevaluate our work.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Ecclesiastes 3:9-15

  1. What is one thing that God revealed to you personally during the sermon?

  2. How does God’s view of work allow you to be joyful in your toil?

  3. Why do we not have total satisfaction in our earthy work? What about people who are seemingly closest to God’s work (pastors, missionaries, evangelists, etc.)?

  4. Why should eternity have such a strong influence over our work?

  5. What changes can you make, in your mindset or circumstances, to bring joy in all your work?

Pray for one another.