Knowing Jesus - Knowing the Living Bread


3 Reasons You are Secure in Your Salvation (John 6:35-51):

  1. Because God Draws you to Him. (John 6:36-37)

      Three Truths About the Salvation Process (from Jesus) That We Can All Agree On:

    1. Not everyone who Sees Jesus will come to Jesus. (John 6:36)
    2. Everyone that is Chosen will come to Jesus. (John 6:37a)
    3. Everyone who comes to Jesus is Welcomed . (John 6:37b)
  2. Because its Jesus' Job to keep you. (John 6:38-39)
  3. Because Jesus will keep His Promise . (John 6:40-51)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Read John 6:35-51

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. How do you know when someone is being drawn to Christ? How did YOU know you were being drawn to Christ (John 6:44)?

  3. Specifically, what are ways God draws someone to Christ?

  4. Tell of a time you have struggled with doubting your own salvation. How was that struggle resolved?

  5. Imagine a friend tells you they are struggling with doubting their own salvation. What would you advise that friend to do?

  6. In John 6:51, what did Jesus mean by “eating of the living bread”? How does someone eat the Bread of Life?

Pray for those affected by the current pandemic, and our nation’s leaders to make wise decisions.