Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Security.


Why Do People Doubt the Security of Their Salvation? (John 10:22-42)

  1. Sin
  2. Satan
  3. Shallow

Three Reasons a Truly Saved Person Can Be Secure in Their Salvation:

  1. Your salvation is Purchased by God. (John 10:22-28a)
  2. Your salvation is Protected by God. (John 10:28b-30)
  3. Your salvation is Promised by God. (John 10:31-42)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read John 10:22-42

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. How would you respond to this statement?: “My sister was saved, but she isn’t anymore. She walked away from the church years ago.”

  3. Read John 10:27-29 again. Why do you think Jesus took this opportunity to emphasize the security of salvation? Why here?

  4. Explain Jesus’ response to their “charge” of blasphemy (John 10:34-36). What was His point in mentioning Psalm 82:6?

  5. Why is it important for a believer to be fully confident in the security of their salvation?

Pray for one another.