Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Walk Wisely: I'm Offended! Now What?

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Walk Wisely - I'm Offended! Now What? Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Proverbs 19:11

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Why do you think people seem so anxious to be offended today?
    On a scale of 1-10, how easily offended are you? (1 = nothing offends me, 10 = everything offends me)

  3. When is it okay to be offended? How do you know when it is appropriate to be offended?

  4. How does being “slow to anger” help you overlook offenses?

  5. How does the forgiveness of Christ motivate you to overlook offenses?

    Bonus: What was the craziest thing you’ve ever heard someone be offended over?

Pray for one another to grow in being slow to anger and quick to overlook offenses. What kind of a church would HBC be if we all lived by Proverbs 19:11?