Where Are You


  1. Grace Abounds.
  2. Grace abounds in Early Death.
  3. Grace abounds in Eternal Life.
  4. Grace abounds in Everyday Righteousness.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Romans 5:20-6:14

  1. What is “cheap grace?”

  2. Why is it so difficult to die an early death, i.e., to die to self? How often do you “consider [yourself] dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus?” Romans 6:11; and see John 12:25, Luke 9:23-24.

    a. How do the illustrations of a seed “dying” help us to understand the benefits of dying to self now? See John 12:24-25, 1 Corinthians 15:36-37

    b. How does Galatians 5:22-24 relate to these verses?

  3. Baptism is a picture of death and resurrection, but Paul indicates in Romans 6:3-6 that if our baptism is “into Christ Jesus,” it is evidence that we were in Christ at the time of His death and resurrection. Does this fact cause you to see deeper meaning or purpose in your baptism?

  4. How soon after you professed faith in Jesus were your baptized? If you delayed, why did you do so? If you haven’t yet been baptized, why not?

  5. Paul emphasizes we were “united with Christ” in His death and resurrection. How should union with Christ transform how we live – for example, Who, what, and how we worship, how we love God, neighbor, and enemy, how we forgive others, etc.? How does Galatians 2:20 add to our understanding of the transformation wrought in us by union with Christ?

  6. A concrete anchor was used to illustrate the security we enjoy as a result of being united with Christ. How should the knowledge of the strength of that union transform our thinking about God’s love for us, about anxiety/worry, about the permanence of our salvation, and about our ability to live righteously? See Psalm 18:1-3, 31-32 and Psalm 62:1-8.

  7. Because we are secure “in Christ” we are able to walk “in newness of life.” What does that look like on a daily basis?

Does the knowledge that you are united with Christ change your perspective on temptation and sin? In what ways? See Romans 6:2-3, 7, 12-14.

For further study, read Colossians 3:1-17