Knowing Jesus - Knowing His Salvation


Three Things You Need to Know About How Salvation Works (John 3:1-21):

  1. Salvation is Solely a work of the Holy Spirit . (John 3:1-8)
  2. Salvation is only understood Correctly as Jesus describes it. (John 3:9-15)
  3. Your part of salvation is Believing . (John 3:16-21)

Three Things You Must Believe About Believing:

  1. God's heart is to Save . (John 3:17)
  2. Believing is what makes the difference. (John 3:18)
  3. Where You stand with the Light reveals where you stand with God. (John 3:19-21)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Discussion
Read John 3:1-21

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Someone once said to me, angrily, “It doesn’t matter, God just picks who He wants saved anyways.” How would you respond to that?

  3. When it comes to salvation, are you more Calvinist (God chooses who comes to Him) or Armenian (man makes the choice to come to God)? Why? What about the side where you don’t lean makes it harder to believe? (That is, if you believe God chooses, why do you struggle thinking man has a choice? Or if you believe it’s man’s choice, why do you struggle believing it’s God that chooses?)

  4. Jesus used the word “believe” seven times in this passage. How would you define what it means to believe?

Pray for one another to truly understand what it means to be “born again”. Ask the Holy Spirit to move in your heart and the hearts of those who come to HBC.