Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Coming Soon - Harvest Time Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 14:14-20


  1. What stood out to you in this passage / message? What was your big “take-away”?

  2. Do you think unbelievers are really worried about the coming wrath of God? Why or why

    not? If you believe they are worried, why aren’t they serious about these matters? If

    you believe they aren’t worried, what reasons do you think unbelievers give for not being concerned about it?

  3. What are some ways you can lovingly and effectively communicate the truth of God’s coming judgment to people that you know who need to hear it? Be specific!


Pray specifically for the mission work of HBC:

  • Thailand (HBC)

  • Dominican Republic (Kolls)

  • Houston (Youth Group)

  • India (Russ Howells w/ Think MIssions)

  • Small Groups involved in local missions / outreach.