Coming Soon!

Coming Soon: This is Your Last Warning

Coming Soon: This is Your Last Warning. (Revelation 22:6-21):


This is Your Last Warning: 4 Truths to Embrace Knowing Jesus is Coming Soon.

  1. Worship is only for GOD. (Rev 22:6-9)
  2. Your CHOICES now have eternal consequences. (Rev 22:10-15)
  3. The Invitation is for TODAY. (Rev 22:16-17)
  4. Don't MESS with the Message. (Rev 22:18-19)

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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 22:6-21


  1. What stood out to you / surprised you from this passage?

  2. What are some ways people add to or take away from God's Word (Rev 22:18-19)?
    Why is God so serious about adding to or taking away from His Word?

  3. Looking back on the Revelation series as a whole, what was the 1 thing that stood out to you the most? 


Pray for one another!

Coming Soon: All Things New.


Heaven: Where Jesus Makes All Things New. (Rev 21-1-22:5)

  1. The new HEAVEN and EARTH . (Rev 21:1)
  2. The new JERUSALEM. (Rev 21:2)
  3. The new way of LIFE. (Rev 21:3-5)
  4. The new DEMOGRAPHIC. (Rev 21:6-8)
  5. The new NEIGHBORHOOD. (Rev 21:9-22:5)

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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 21:1-22:5


1 - What aspect of heaven, according to John’s description, are you most looking forward to? Why?

2 - What aspect of heaven, according to John’s description, was “new information” to you?

3 - In this description of heaven, why are John and us reminded 3 times (Rev 21:8, 27, 22:1) of who and what will NOT be in heaven?

4 - In the list of “unrepentant sinners” excluded from heaven, the first kind named is the “cowardly” (Rev 21:8). What type of sin is this referring to? How is someone “sinfully a coward”?


Pray for one another, and thank God for this place being prepared for you!

Coming Soon: The Great White Throne Judgment!


The Last Trial in History (Rev 20:11-15):

  1. The Judge. (Rev 20:11)
  2. The Trial. (Rev 20:12-13)
  3. The Sentence. (Rev 20:14-15)
  4. The more you know, the more you reject, the more you suffer.

Matt 10:15 - Truly, I say to you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah than for that town.

Matt 11:20, 24 - Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent. "But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”

Heb 10:29 - How much worse punishment,do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?

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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 20:11-15


  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message? What stood out to you / what was new information to you?

  2. Rev 20:11 - why was there no rainbow around the throne (see Rev 4:3)? What does this tell you about the Great White Throne Judgment?

  3. Since God knows everything, why does He have the books of deeds and the book of life (Rev 20:12-13, 15)? What is their purpose?

  4. How would you reply to someone who says, “How could a God of love cast people into the Lake of Fire?”


Pray for the lost that you know. And pray for opportunity for you to reach the lost that you know.

Coming Soon: The Reign of the King!


Three Things You Need to Know About the Millennium (Rev 20:1-10):

  1. Satan is Locked  Away. (Rev 20:1-3)

    Isaiah 65: 20-23, 25

  2. Believers will Reign with Christ. (Rev 20:4-6)
  3. It ends with a "Battle". (Rev 20:7-10)
  4. James 1:14 - But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 20:1-10


  1. What was your big "take-away" from this passage / message?

  2. Looking at Revelation straightforwardly, can you write a timeline of events from the Battle of Armageddon to the moment the devil is thrown into the Lake of Fire?

  3. If Satan is bound, how is there sin in the millennium? What does this say about the human heart?

  4. Tell of a time you've blamed your sin on someone or something else. Why do you think people are so quick to look for someone to blame? Why is it critical that we learn to take responsibility for our own sin?


Pray for one another!

Coming Soon: Armageddon!



  1. The prelude HYMN . (Rev 19:1-10)
  2. The RETURN of the King. (Rev 19:11-16)
  3. Isaiah 63:3

  4. The VICTORY of the King. (Rev 19:17-21)
  5. 2 Chronicles 20:15

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Small Group Discussion

Read Revelation 19


  1. What was your big “take-away” from the passage / message?

  2. What was the best wedding you have ever attended? What made it so good? With that in mind, why do you think Scripture compares heaven to a wedding reception (“the marriage supper of the Lamb”)?

  3. Verse 15 - what does it mean that Jesus will rule (literally “pastor”) with a rod of iron?

  4. What battle have YOU been fighting that you need to allow the Lord to fight for you?


Pray for one another!