Gifted to Serve

Why Should I Serve?

  1. Because God HAS DONE SO MUCH FOR ME . (Rom 12:1)

  2. Because God WANTS ME TO GROW . (Rom 12:2)

  3. Because God HAS GIFTED ME . (Rom 12:3-8)

  4. God has gifted me with the ability/abilities to:

Guest Speaker - Laylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Romans 12:1-8

  1. Do you see examples of conforming to the world in your own life? How can you fight against these things and work to renew your mind?
  2. Which do you struggle with more: thinking too highly of yourself or thinking far too lowly of yourself? Why are both of these harmful and destructive?
  3. What spiritual gifts has God given to you? How can you use those gifts to serve at Harvest and help others around you?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another and the development of each person's spiritual gifts.