Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Be Done With People Pleasing!

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Be The Church - Be Done With People Pleasing! Jeff Miller

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

  1. How is people pleasing really a form of "self-pleasing"? In other words, why is people pleasing really about the person doing it more than the people s/he is trying to please?
  2. What are some ways you have "fear of man"? (Definition: Caring more about what people think than what God thinks, i.e. "people pleasing")
  3. What are the 5 things Paul lists as "sins we commit when we commit to people pleasing" (v3 & 5)? How can we guard against them?
  4. Why is "God pleasing" really the way we love people (v6-8)?

Breakout Questions:

How should the church respond to the SCOTUS ruling on same sex marriage? How should YOU respond when YOU are asked about it? Pray for the leadership or our nation and pray for one another!