Lay down a FORK .
Lay down a BUNT .
Lay down a LIFE .
SERVICE to others.
MINISTERING to others.
Developing a RELATIONSHIP with the one who loves you!
Check out this logic:
- We will not OBEY Him if we don't BELIEVE and TRUST Him.
- We will not BELIEVE and TRUST Him if we don't LOVE Him.
- We cannot LOVE Him unless we KNOW Him.
- If you come to KNOW Him, you will LOVE Him.
- If you LOVE Him, you will BELIEVE and TRUST Him.
- If you BELIEVE and TRUST Him, you will OBEY Him.
Jay Knauer - HBCPN Elder
Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!
Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 1 John 3:16-24
- How did this concept of love ever start? Would humans have ever come up with the idea of loving each other?
- When you are truly motivated by love, describe how different it is performing tasks or acts of service than when motivated by more self-serving motives?
- How would you respond to someone who says the Bible is just a book of "don'ts" meant to make us miserable?
- What does the concept of sacrifice mean to you? In 1 John 3:16, it says "we should lay down our lives for our brothers." Are we really doing that? How do we do that?
Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another. Pray for Pastor Jeff while he is in Thailand teaching the pastors at the conference.