A Compliment, a Prediction, and a Question... (Mk 13:1-4)
Three ways Jesus describes the world until He returns...
- There will be great D ECEPTION . (Mk 13:5-6)
- There will be global D EVASTATION . (Mk 13:7-8)
- There will be gospel D IVISION . (Mk 13:9-13)
Three Glorious Realities
- The gospel is proclaimed! (Mk 13:10)
- The Holy Spirit reigns! (Mk 13:11)
- There is a finish line! (Mk 13:13b)
Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above with your cursor for answers!
Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 13:1-13
- Have you ever been hated by someone because of Jesus? Share with the group how it made you feel and how you handled it.
- List the things that Jesus describes in this passage. Does this change your expectations about the world? Why or why not?
- "But the one who endures to the end will be saved." (Mk 13:13). What did Jesus mean by this statement? Do you lose your salvation by running out of endurance? Does this mean only saved people have endurance? Explain what this statement means - and what endurance looks like.
Breakout Questions:
What is one thing you have a hard time understanding concerning the Bible's teaching on End Times?