These Guys are for Real!

Exhibit A: Timothy; This is what selfless Sacrifice looks like.

  1. I care about People. (Phil 2:20)

  2. I am focused solely on Christ. (Phil 2:21)

  3. I submit to godly Leadership. (Phil 2:22)

Exhibit B: Epaphroditus; This is what selfless Endurance looks like.

  1. I care about the Church. (Phil 2:26)

  2. I won’t let Suffering stop me. (Phil 2:27)

  3. finish the Job. (Phil 2:30)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Philippians 2:19-30

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.