Question & Answer

Questions and Answers: Why are small groups considered a biblical way to do ministry?

Harvest Bible Chapel is not a church with small groups, but a church of small groups. And it’s not a fad – we believe that small groups is the way to do ministry – to make disciples.

Jesus did things in small groups. He spent most of His ministry just pouring into 12 people. And of the 12, there were just three in the “inner circle” (Peter, James, John) that seemed to be privy to more training from Jesus.

The early church was a place of small group ministry. Acts 2:46 says And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts...

Going to the temple for larger group worship and breaking bread in homes. That’s what we are going after – larger group worship at the auditorium on Sundays, breaking bread in each others’ homes through the week.

I love small groups. Not just the concept, either. I love the small group I attend. The men have been very faithful to me and to each other. (Shout out to Ben, Mike, and Russ!)

"Small groups" serve a lot of needs. Small groups are where relationships grow. That’s where accountability happens. Primary pastoral care happens in small groups. It is the front line of counseling. It is a launching pad for local outreach. It is where people are known and loved and do life together and laugh and cry and pray and challenge and so much more.

As much as I would like to do it – I don’t have the time to sit down with every single person from church every week and personally minister to them. But this can happen – and so much more effectively – if everyone is committed to being a part of a small group and ministering to each other. 

And that's why we do small groups. 

*This is our last question from this round of Q&A. Thanks to all who participated, and (Lord willing) we will do it again June 25!

Questions and Answers: Why doesn't this church have Sunday school for those people older than little kids?

I am not anti-Sunday School – I used to teach it every week! So why don’t we have it at HBC?

It ties into the mission. We want people to leave church Sunday really holding on to one main thing. We live in a day where information abounds. You have access to information from all over the world with a phone that you keep in your pocket. So we aren’t looking to saturate you or bombard you with information on Sunday. Quite the opposite – we want to zero in on one key truth, understand it, dig deep into it, learn to apply it... and walk out embracing it.

What about the relational aspect of Sunday School? We emphasize Small Groups as the way to connect with others.

This doesn’t mean that on occasion we wouldn’t offer a temporary class (as Dan Thompson has done for college age people before).

I could also discuss staffing, room space, and cost of room rental as other obstacles to Sunday School in our current situation... but I won’t for now. 

Baptism - What's Trending in Scripture? (Redux)

This blog was originally posted on March 9, 2012. Remember way back in 2012? Powdered wigs, hand churning butter, the world was supposed to end according to a Mayan calendar... Good times. To prep you for Sunday, give this blog post another read!

This Sunday, we will be discussing baptism. This subject sees a wide spectrum of beliefs, everything from “baptizing babies brings them into the covenant family” to “unless you are baptized you are going to hell“.

As always, we are just going to the Bible for answers. With all due respect to theologians and “church fathers”, their creeds and beliefs are not absolute authority - only the Word of God is.

As a preview, an appetizer, food for thought… get your Bible and check out these passages in Acts. The church came into being in Acts 2, and the book records accounts of people being baptized throughout the rest of its chapters. See if you notice any patterns or recurring themes…

Acts 2:37-41 - The promised Holy Spirit came down and Peter preaches at Pentecost! Those who believed were baptized, the text seems to indicate it was immediate (v41). 

Acts 8:12 - Philip preached, the men and women believed, and they were immediately baptized. 

Acts 8:26-39 - Philip shares the Good News of Jesus Christ with an Ethiopian Eunuch, and upon belief, he is immediately baptized (v36).

Acts 9:1-19 - Saul, persecuting the church, encounters Jesus Christ and is blinded for 3 days. God sent Ananias to Saul, who then was filled with Holy Spirit. He regained sight and was baptized immediately (v18).

Acts 10:44-48 - Peter learns (v34) God shows no partiality - Gentiles included! Cornelius and company listen to Peter preach (v44). They believe and the Holy Spirit came upon them. Then they were, you guessed it, baptized immediately (v47-48).

Acts 16:11-15 - Paul was preaching at a ladies fellowship (v13), they received the Word and were baptized immediately (v14-15). Then in verses 25-34, Paul and Silas are in prison and having a worship service! An earthquake brought a jailhouse rock. When the jailer is about to commit suicide, Paul stops him, preaches the Word to him, and he is baptized immediately (v32-33).

Acts 18:-1-8 - Paul is in Corinth, and facing rejection at the synagogue from the Jews. He shook his garments and walked next door and preached to some Corinthians who believed and were baptized immediately (v8).

Did you see the pattern?

The Word preached, person believes, person receives Christ, person immediately responds by being baptized.

Have you been baptized?

We are working on a baptism plan that might possibly have it at the school where we meet - AND on a Sunday! If you have more questions about this HUGE step of obedience in baptism, join us Sunday @ 10AM @ Ingomar!

Pastor Jeff

-I would totally wear a powdered wig if they came back in style. 

Every So Often, We Have This Membership Class...

...and the questions come up: Why officially become a member of the church? What difference does it make? Does is really matter, really change anything just to formalize my membership?

It does. Certainly taking the class doesn't MAKE you a member of the church, but it gives you the information so that you can make an informed decision. 

At Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North, membership results in the following perks: 

  1. Automatically go to the front of the line for prayer after service – no waiting!
  2. Warm baptism water (guaranteed to be at least 77 degrees) for any of your family or friends getting baptized. 
  3. Personalized car window decal: >your name here< is Loved at HBC!”
  4. 5% off your tithe. 

That was a joke. We don’t have any of those decals. 

But kidding aside, I don’t think membership itself is a joke. I do think it is really important, speaking from the pastor’s perspective, to know who is considering themselves part of the flock, part of this body of Christ. 

The bottom line: membership is about unity. I am a part of this team. I am taking responsibility for what happens at this church. 

We actually interview everyone who wants to place membership with us, for three main reasons: 

1) We can explain what it means to be a member (expectations, ministry involvement, etc), 

2) We want to hear the prospective member’s testimony. (To join the church, it’s pretty important to be a Christian first, right? Plus: I just LOVE hearing testimonies. They never get old!) Oh, and 

3) It gives the prospective member opportunity to ask any questions about the church. 

Recently, I came across this article about church membership. I thought it had some great points on the subject, so if you have ever struggled with the value of formally joining a church, take a minute and read this!

You are Loved!

Pastor Jeff

-membership has its privileges