Harvest Bible Chapel is not a church with small groups, but a church of small groups. And it’s not a fad – we believe that small groups is the way to do ministry – to make disciples.
Jesus did things in small groups. He spent most of His ministry just pouring into 12 people. And of the 12, there were just three in the “inner circle” (Peter, James, John) that seemed to be privy to more training from Jesus.
The early church was a place of small group ministry. Acts 2:46 says And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts...
Going to the temple for larger group worship and breaking bread in homes. That’s what we are going after – larger group worship at the auditorium on Sundays, breaking bread in each others’ homes through the week.
I love small groups. Not just the concept, either. I love the small group I attend. The men have been very faithful to me and to each other. (Shout out to Ben, Mike, and Russ!)
"Small groups" serve a lot of needs. Small groups are where relationships grow. That’s where accountability happens. Primary pastoral care happens in small groups. It is the front line of counseling. It is a launching pad for local outreach. It is where people are known and loved and do life together and laugh and cry and pray and challenge and so much more.
As much as I would like to do it – I don’t have the time to sit down with every single person from church every week and personally minister to them. But this can happen – and so much more effectively – if everyone is committed to being a part of a small group and ministering to each other.
And that's why we do small groups.
*This is our last question from this round of Q&A. Thanks to all who participated, and (Lord willing) we will do it again June 25!