Sunday School

Questions and Answers: Why doesn't this church have Sunday school for those people older than little kids?

I am not anti-Sunday School – I used to teach it every week! So why don’t we have it at HBC?

It ties into the mission. We want people to leave church Sunday really holding on to one main thing. We live in a day where information abounds. You have access to information from all over the world with a phone that you keep in your pocket. So we aren’t looking to saturate you or bombard you with information on Sunday. Quite the opposite – we want to zero in on one key truth, understand it, dig deep into it, learn to apply it... and walk out embracing it.

What about the relational aspect of Sunday School? We emphasize Small Groups as the way to connect with others.

This doesn’t mean that on occasion we wouldn’t offer a temporary class (as Dan Thompson has done for college age people before).

I could also discuss staffing, room space, and cost of room rental as other obstacles to Sunday School in our current situation... but I won’t for now.