Church Event

A Sense of Urgency

When it comes to youth ministry, time is not on your side.  To be clear, time does bring experience, which is hugely important.  After having just completed my 20th year in youth ministry, I have learned a lot in that time.  However, with most of this mission field, I have only seven years, at best, to minister to these young people.  That alone leaves me and my leadership team with a unique sense of urgency to our ministry.

However, there is another sense of urgency for students that affects the body of Christ as a whole, but especially the parents of these students.  Pick just about any area of teen life and you will find a growing darkness gaining more and more ground.  

Take schools.  Are these typically beacons of hopefulness?  Not hardly.  Decades of teaching that we are cosmic accidents whose morality is whatever the wind brings that day has taken its toll.  Confusion and purposelessness abound.  Not to mention that we are selling a rat-race life to students that most of us don't really believe in ourselves - you have to get good grades so that you get into a good college, so that you can get a good job, so that you can list that on a resume for your next job (repeat as needed), so that eventually, you can retire, so that hopefully you are financially independent enough to do something you actually enjoy.  Who could be depressed?

Ok, but for young people, they have their whole life in front of them.  True, but look at what life has offered them over the past 1/6th to 1/9th of their lives.  A global pandemic gorging on fear; a divisive, country-wide vitriol that makes even the most civic minded of us sick to our stomach; a government, a media, and a business world where the ends always justify the means; an economic roller-coaster ride that doesn't seem to have an exit station.  The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades 😎.

But at least teens have their friends, right?  Well, yeah, but social interaction has "evolved" to require a small, bright screen.  Social media, which can be more addictive than narcotics, has created psuedo-friendships that typically take more than they give.  Likes, streaks, and followers fuel society more than relational nourishment.  How much emotional support can you get from an emoji anyhow 🤗?

Teens should have their families to fill these gaps.  But we all know how measurable the breakdown of the family is.  Even with a strong Christian foundation and a solid parental marriage, every one of us parents knows we are busier than we'd like to be to provide the added support.  We often aren't even taking care of our own needs well enough.

The Church can be a final bulwark against this onslaught.  It can and often is, but the statistics of young adults giving up on the Church are staggering (that does include churches that aren't preaching the Word so not, in those cases, eh 🤷‍♂️).  The Church won't be important to teens without concrete intentionality.

Kids will be the first to tell you how much harder they have it than their parents.  And even though this thought is foolish, ignorant narcissism, it actually is supported by the facts.  However, if it's good for the goose, then it's good for the gander.  We, parents, then have a harder job mothering and fathering than previous generations.  And while that brings little comfort, it hopefully brings a sense of urgency.  Our kids need Jesus.  Well, first we need Jesus.  Then, we need to need our kids to need Jesus.  And, by God's grace, with much prayer and hard work, our kids will need Jesus.

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6 ESV

So, if you are a parent, you have a tough but amazingly important job ahead of you.  And if you aren't a parent, you know people who are that would appreciate your encouragement and patience.  There is a sense of urgency as the formative years evaporate faster than our ability to perceive it.  But, God knows the best investment strategies.  He said to invest the Word of God in our young people and to do it as often as possible.

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

Deuteronomy 6:7 ESV

Redeem the mundane.  Reap eternal consequences from temporal moments.  It is the desire of the Arrow Student Ministry Leadership team to partner with parents to train and teach these students.  

"Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth."

Psalm 127:4 ESV

We want to help parents to shape these arrows so they fly a straight and narrow path when you launch them into the world.  

So, to leave you with a final sense of urgency and my call to action, every student associated with Harvest Bible Chapel needs to be at the Fall Retreat this November 5-7th.  They will hear the gospel preached boldly and urgently.  They will have the opportunity to be impacted eternally.  They will be shown in word and deed how the student small group (Arrow) can measurably affect their walk with Christ (including beginning that walk).  I've seen this happen over and over for the students who go on this retreat.  There is no event we do at Arrow that is more important than this weekend.  

If you are a student - your job is to come to this retreat. To come prepared to listen and be changed.  Register here.

If you are a parent, relative, or friend of a student - your job is to get that student to come to this retreat.  Beg, bride, or demand.  Take away the excuses.  Find a way to get them there, and you will not be disappointed.  We cannot have the same impact on the students who don't go.  Register here.

If you are either of these or anyone else - your job is to pray that God would accomplish His purposes through the preaching of His Word.  That barriers to attending would be demolished.  And that lives would be changed.  

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek."

Romans 1:16 ESV

I appeal to this church with a sense of urgency.  Because who knows if Jesus will return before next year's retreat?  I'm certainly praying that He does.

Dan Thompson

-Arrow Youth Ministry Leader

Our First Baptism in the New Worship Center!!

On December 3rd 2017, Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North celebrated our first baptism service in our new building!!!
This is a continuation of the many blessings God has provided us during TheNext3!!

Three of our very our members declared their faith in obedience to Jesus Christ through baptism. Enjoy the video below of lives being changed through this Biblical act of faith.

Thank you to North Way Christian Community for the gift of a baptismal!

We look forward to using it in many services like these in the future, and continuing to minister to the Wexford community along side you.

The Worst Auto Accidents Happen on the Showroom Floor

New cars. We all love them. We want them, we envy those who have them. That new car smell is quite intoxicating don’t you agree?

Auto dealers know this and they use the power of our weakness for new cars to make us completely lose our minds. If you think about it, cars are not cheap. They are one of the largest purchases we make. Unlike buying a home, a car does not increase in value. In fact, it looses value significantly before the ink is dry on the purchase contract.

The average new car costs over $29,000 and the average monthly payment is $493 per month. That is quite a bit of money for a depreciating asset. After 4 years, that $29,000 car is only worth $14,000. Most payments are amortized over 5-7 years. Many people find themselves upside down on their cars for much of the life of their auto loans. That means that your car is worth less than you owe. If you wanted to sell it and pay it off, you would not be able to.

Does this sound like a sound financial decision to you? I hope not. It’s a horrible decision actually. Did you know that most millionaires do not buy new cars for this very reason? There is a better way to buy a car.

Lets make some assumptions. The average car payment is $493 per month and you can pay that otherwise you would not be able to buy a new car in the first place.

If you put $493 per month into a cookie jar for 10 months you would have $4,930. You could go out today and buy a 2008 Nissan Altima. It may not be as sexy as a new car but it is great transportation and comes with no payments.

If you are not satisfied with that then simply keep paying yourself $493 per month for another 10 months. You could sell your car and add your savings to help you buy a 2014 Ford Focus or a 2015 Nissan Versa. Both are very sensible cars only a few years old that will serve you well. If you wanted more you can keep going. Repeat this for another 10 months and you could purchase a 2016 Volkswagen Jetta. That is practically a brand new car but with no payments.

If you follow this plan, you and your friends would be making auto payments of $493 per month. The difference is that your car is getting better, newer and nicer every year while their car is getting older and worse.

Quit doing what everyone else is doing. It’s time to start making better decisions with your hard earned money. Financial Peace University is much more than just getting out of debt. It is a life changing course that will make you think differently.

-- Alex Giannetti

Have you registered yet?

Harvest Bible Chapel is offering FPU on Wednesday nights for 10 weeks beginning July 12th. Who do you know that would benefit from a course like this? Invite them too!
Register by clicking this link:

Are Christians Getting Short Changed?

The Church and Money

Every Sunday at church we take an offering. The offering is supposed to be an act of worship but in most churches its more like the halftime show. The worship and singing has ended and the teaching is about to begin. Rather than become an amazing time of worship and celebration, tithing is something the church never talks about and Christians tend to feel guilt over.

A recent study showed that only 5% of Christians tithe. Over 80% of Christians give less than 2%. Think about that for a second.

Other religions do a much better job in their teaching. Although their theology is off, their involvement on finances is evident. We see the Mormon church growing and purchasing land like crazy. Islam is also growing like wildfire. The Jewish people have been known throughout history for being financially sound.

What if Christians were taught more directly about money? Churches pass the offering but are not teaching their people how to be givers. Churches do sermon series on Marriage, parenting, relationships, suffering, but never on money. As a result, many Christians find themselves inviting God into their homes, into their marriage, into their families, but leave him out when it comes to their finances. As a result, our nation leads the world in consumer debt. A recent report in May of 2017 stated that US consumer debt (not including mortgages) is $12.3 billion.

Proverbs 22:7 reads, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender." In the US it seems that we are certainly slaves to Sallie Mae, auto loans and credit cards. As a result of this tremendous debt, and the stress and pressure that comes along with it, we are unable to concentrate fully on God. Debt pulls us away and with it our ability to give and serve as we are called. It's not a salvation issue, but it is damaging to the kingdom.

If your church was doing something to help break this cycle would you be interested? Harvest is hosting Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University this summer on Wednesday nights from 7-9pm beginning July 12. Even if you are unsure, just come to the first week and check it out. You will be glad you did.

- Alex Giannetti