Getting Back to Personal Holiness


Letting God Deal with My Sin

  1. You can be Refined. (Mal 3:1-4)

  2. Review: 2 Corinthians 5:21 | Ephesians 4:30 | 1 Thessalonians 5:19

  3. ...or you can be Judged. (Mal 3:5)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Malachi 2:17-3:5

  1. In your own words, summarize the problems stated in Mal 2:17. How do you see these same problems in our culture?

  2. How would you summarize God’s answer (Mal 3:1-5) to the questions in Mal 2:17?

  3. What does it mean that God is a refiner (Mal 3:2-3)? How does God refine His people? How will God ultimately refine all His people (Mal 3:3-4)?

Breakout Questions:

What areas need "burned" off of you to make you more like Christ?
Go around, state the area needing refined, and pray over these things. 

Getting Back to Marriage Commitment


Faithless in Marriage is Faithless to God

Review: Matthew 5:23 | 1 Timothy 3:4-5 | 1 Timothy 5:8

  1. Because you made a Covenant before God. (Mal 2:10-12)

  2. Because you are being Joined Together by God. (Mal 2:13-15a)

  3. Matthew 19:6 - So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.

  4. Because you have a Purpose for God. (Mal 2:15b-16)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Malachi 2:1-16

  1.  What were the issues God was calling out the priests on in Malachi 2:8? What does this say about people in (any) ministry today?

  2. Why is it you need to be faithful in your horizontal relationships in order to be faithful in your vertical relationship with God? See Matthew 5:23 & 1 John 4:20.

  3. What are some specific modern day examples of people not keeping their word? Why do you think people don’t keep their word today?

  4. How is oneness in marriage a reality and a process at the same time (Mal 2:15)? See Genesis 2:24.

  5. What are some ways, if you are married, you can "guard yourself" (Mal 2:15-16)? Be specific.

Breakout Questions:
Married people: How are you making your marriage a priority?

Getting Back to Worship


How to Get Back to Real Worship

  1. Breathe In the Love of God. (Mal 1:1-5)

  2. Breathe out Reverence for God. (Mal 1:6-14)

Am I a Worshiper or a Faker?

  1. Do I offer God my Best? (Mal 1:6-9)

  2. Do I just go through the Motions? (Mal 1:10-14)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Malachi 1:1-14

  1. Malachi 1:2-3 talks about God's love: What exactly is God saying? How does this prove His love?

  2. Why is love the motivator for worship (see also Romans 2:4)?

  3. Have you ever doubted God's love because things weren't happening the way you expected? Share the experience with the group.

  4. Define reverence: Why do you think this is a lost concept in our culture today?

  5. How would you reply to this statement: "This stuff in Malachi doesn't apply to us today. We don't offer sacrifices anymore!"

  6. What are ways, today, that you can "breathe out" reverence for God?

Breakout Questions:
Complete transparency: How are you doing with sincerely worshiping God? What changes do you need to make to be able to "breathe" (in God's love / out reverence for God)?


The Bible and My Response

- (Genesis 2:24-25)


What is marriage in the eyes of God?

  1. A Covenant relationship between a man and a woman.

  2. A Picture of Christ and the Church.

  3. A married couple enjoying a God Designed sexual expression.

Jeremiah Canfield - Pastor Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh East

Review: Leviticus 18:22; 20:13 | Romans 1:18-33

What do we do?

  1. Stop Avoiding them.

  2. Give them the Gospel first.

  3. Love them, but not Accepting what they do.

  4. Guide them as part of the body of Christ.

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Genesis 2:24-25

  1. What overall thoughts do you have from the message and what where some take-a-ways and "nuggets".

  2. What other "street level" objectives have you heard. If so, talk about them and come up with an answer for them.

  3. How do we show love and give the gay community the Gospel in today culture?

  4. If you still have time and you would like to watch a 35 min video by Matt Chandler answering questions on this topic, you can find it on YouTube. He gave two talks on homosexuality and then took questions from the audience. The Q&A time is good, and it is 35 minutes.

Breakout Questions:
Spend time praying for those in the your small group who know someone that is struggling with this issue. Pray for God to free them of their bondage. 

Seeking God

Lessons from the Life of King Asa

- (2 Chronicles 14-16)


Romans 15:4 - For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

A Person Who Truly Seeks God is One Who:

  1. Is Serious about it. (2 Chron 14:2-7)

  2. Makes it Personal. (2 Chron 14:11)

  3. Perseveres in their seeking. (2 Chron 15:7)

  4. Is Serious about it. (2 Chron 15:8-16)

  5. Is not without Flaws. (2 Chron 16:1-12)

HBCPN Elder - Mark Ort

Click illustration to enlarge

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 2 Chronicles 14-16

  1. Christians live under the New Covenant. So why is it important to study the Old Testament?

  2. Describe what 'seeking God' really means?

  3. What obstacles are in your way that prevent you from a serious pursuit of God? What kind of plan will you put into place to change that?

  4. How can other believers help you in your quest to seek the Lord? In what ways will you help them in their quest?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another to act on their plan to intentionally seek God this week. Hold each other accountable in this plan.