Guest Speaker

Taking the Test

Intro: Mark 12:30-31 | 1 John 3:10-24

  1. Study Failure: Heart of Cain (1 John 3:10-15)
  2. Study Success: The Heart of Christ (1 John 3:16-18)

      3 Aspects to Loving Like Christ

    1. The Love of Christ is Willing (1 John 3:16)
    2. The Love of Christ is Fueled by Compassion (1 John 3:17)
    3. The Love of Christ is Driven to Action (1 John 3:18)
  3. Take the Test: Is My Heart like Cain or Christ (1 JOhn 3:19-24)
  4. Pass the Test: Gain a Heart of Confidence (1 John 3:23-24)
  5. Galatians 5:14 - For sthe whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read 1 John 3:10-24

  1. How can we guard ourselves against falling into the spiral of jealousy*/resentment/hatred?
  2. What challenges do we face in loving others the way that Christ does?
  3. How can we build the habit of testing our hearts in order to avoid bitterness?
  4. Beyond assurance of our own faith, what benefits can we gain from complete confidence in our relationship with God?

Pray for each other

Seeking Wisdom During Trials

Introduction (Job 28:20-28)

Seeking Wisdom

  1. Wisdom cannot be found Apart from God. (Job 28:20-27)
  2. Wisdom is found with God. (Job 28:28a)

Proverbs 9:10 - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight"

James 1:5 - "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him"

2 Ways to Fellow with God and His Word during Trials

  1. Utilize Small Groups
  2. Pray the Bible
  3. Seeking Wisdom

  4. Wisdom brings us Closer to God. (Job 28:28b)

Michael Wolski - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North A/V Ministry Leader

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Job 28:20-28

  1. Where do you typically go first for your 'wisdom' during a trial?

  2. Why do you think Christians struggle with seeking God for wisdom first?

  3. What’s the worst advice you’ve received? Now applying biblical wisdom, how would that advice change [i.e. slight alteration, 180-degrees]?

  4. What has been the most difficult piece of biblical wisdom you’ve received? [i.e. forgiveness, just waiting, etc.]

  5. What is your go-to verse, chapter, book, etc. in God’s Word that has helped you out the most during a trial? What about that particular passage gives you comfort, guidance, etc.?

  6. What fellowship activities with God and His word have worked best for you during a trial?

  7. (For the sliding scale fans) On a scale of 1 <-> 10, how much do you enjoy sliding scale questions?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

The Last Jesus

Introduction (Mark 10:31, 35-45)

"But many who are first will be last, and the last first." - (Mark 10:31)

  1. Only One can be First (Mark 9:33-35 | Luke 22:24-27).
  2. The First are Killers (Luke 9:52-55 | Matt 5:21-22).
  3. The Last are Servants .
    1. The Transforming power of being last.
    2. First, Adjust our Attitudes (Phil 2:3-11).
    3. Second, Adjust our Actions (John 13:1-5, 15-17).

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. - (John 13:1-5 NIV)

"For I have given you an example..." - (John 13:15)

Rich Sprunk - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North (Elder)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read a selection of the passenges above...

  1. Why was it necessary for Jesus to come in poverty rather than power in His first advent?

  2. In what ways do we seek to be first in the world?  In the Church?

  3. If we should not seek to be first in the Church, how should one lead?

  4. Is it an exaggeration to say those who seek to be first are killers?
    Consider these verses:

    1. Luke 9:53-55
    2. John 8:44

    3. Genesis 4:3-8

    4. Genesis 4:23-24

    5. Exodus 2:11-15a

    6. 1 Samuel 25:10-13, 21-22

    7. 2 Samuel 11:14-17

    8. James 4:1-4

    9. Matt 5:21-22

    10. Luke 22:36-38, 49-51

    11. Mark 10:33-34

  5. What are some ways people serve?  Are we susceptible to involving ourselves in “activities” as a substitute for serving?
  6. Why, in God’s economy, are the last not losers?  Why, in the world’s eyes, might we look like losers?

    1. What are some ways we can adjust our attitudes?  About who and what do we need to adjust our attitudes?

    2. What are some ways we can adjust our actions?

    3. Will our actions matter if we have not first adjusted our attitudes, i.e., the motives of our hearts?

“For I have given you an example….”

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

The Courageous Mother

Not to be confused with Wonder Woman™

  1. Motherhood (Titus 2:3-5)
  2. The Gospel (Romans 1:1-7, 16)
  3. Gospel + Motherhood = Courageous Motherhood
  4. Motherhood is primarily about Chaos and Order (Genesis 2-3).

    • Mothers have a new Power

Steven Canfield - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh East (Associate Pastor)

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Titus 2:3-5

  1. What ways do God's grace allow you to be a better mother?

  2. How did you see God's grace presented in your mother's care for you growing up?

  3. How can you give grace back to your mother this week?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for your mother and specifically the mother's in your group.

Imago Dei - In His Image

Does God Need A Little Help From His Friends?

 Eccl 3:11
 Genesis 1:26 - 

QUESTION: Are we made in HIS image or is HE in our image? We will decide either by Observation or by Revelation. (Prov 29:18)

Exodus 32

The Israelites tried re-making God and they got a Holy Cow! What did you get?

Bob Huber - North Street Christian Church

Four spiritual pointers to help you live IMAGO DEI:

  1. God does not have a Self - Image problem!
  2. God's created spiritual image in man has become Tainted since the fall
    • God's image does not need Redeemed.
    • God’s Image in Me does need redeemed.

    Review: Isaiah 6:1-8

  3. The image of God is Perfected in the Gospel of His Son – Jesus Christ
  4. Review: John 14:8-9 | John 8:54-58 | Colossians 1

  5. The Church is the chosen vessel to portray God as He presents Himself.
  6. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16

  7. Imago Dei – a serious call and mission! So does God need a little help from His friends? The answer is to OBEY HIM!

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Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Imago Dei Small Group Discussion Starters:

  1. Listen to the David Crowder Song PRAISE THE LORD.
    Discuss: In what ways have you tried to shape God into the image you imagined/wanted Him to be? In what ways has God not met you expectations? In what ways has He proven Himself to be better than you imagined?

  2. Read Ecclesiastes 3:11. What does it mean that God has "put eternity on our hearts?"

  3. Discuss: What are the ramifications of shaping your worldview BY OBSERVATION versus BY REVELATION?

  4. Read Colossians 1:15-20. Find and discuss the various qualities, roles and positions attached to Jesus. What does He have to do with us understanding the image of God? See John 14:6-14.

  5. What role does the church play in Imago Dei? "We are not here to refine the image of God, we are here to reflect the image of God." See 2 Corinthians 2:14-16.

  6. In C.S. Lewis's Prince Caspian, Lucy (the youngest of the children) says to Aslan (the lion who is the Christ figure) upon seeing him after a period of absence: 
       Lucy to Aslan - "You're bigger."
       He answers, "That is because you are older, little one." 
       "Not because you are?" she responds. 
       "I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger." answers Aslan.
    Discuss: Are you finding God to be bigger and more satisfying as you continue to grow in the faith?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another