Guest Speaker

Modern Day Miracles

Review: Mark 3:13-15

Follow along with Barnabas as he shares with us photos and stories of God's amazing work on the other side of the world!

The sometimes incomprehensible stories of the disciples in Acts has played out in Barnabas and Martha's life over the past thirty years by simply following God's guidance and not holding back when speaking God's gospel and truth to those in need of hearing it in Thailand and beyond.

Guilt, Goats, and God's Grace


  1. Men must be persuaded by the Holy Spirit of their Guilt. (Romans 8:1-2)

  2. Review: 2 Peter 1:21 | John 14:16 | Col 2:13

    Review: Lev 16 | John 8:3-11

  3. Believers must be persuaded by the Holy Spirit of their Innocence. (Romans 8:3-4)

Guest Speaker - Mark Ort (HBCPN Elder)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Romans 8:1-4

  1. What is the purpose of the Law? Is the Law good?

  2. If it were possible to obey every aspect of the Law, would that be enough to save someone? Provide scripture as to why or why not?

  3. Describe the difference between ‘guilt’ and ‘conviction’.

  4. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in a believer dealing with feelings of guilt?

  5. What does the theological term ‘justification’ mean? 

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Celebrating our Great God

  1. Celebrating God is a Daily, Forever thing!

  2. CELEBRATE God Specifically by praising Him for Who He is!

  3. CELEBRATE God Publicly for What He has done!

  4. Faithful Celebration of God is:

    • Intentional

    • Inter-generational

    • Theological

    • Personal

    • Prayerful

  5. COMMIT to celebrating God by Praising Him Verbally!

Guest Speaker - Richie Reeder HBCPE Pastor

"God is so GREAT that the human mind cannot fathom Him (Isaiah 40:28, Job 5:9; 9:10; 11:7; Romans 11:33; Ephesians 3:8), but the human heart can love Him and tell others how great He is. God’s CHARACTER and God’s awesome WORKS furnish us with more material than we could ever exhaust, and we will have all of eternity to keep learning more!”
– Warren Wiersbe

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 145

What Do You Celebrate?

  1. If what we celebrate shows what we value, than what is your celebration (or lack thereof) showing about what you value?

  2. What about when I dont' feel like celebrating (praising God)? David had a history with God…what's your history with God? What has he done in your life that you need to be giving Him public praise for?

  3. How does you daily routine incorporate praising God?

30 Observations of who GOD is from Psalm 145:
King, Great, Unsearchable, Mighty, Glorious, Wondrous, Awesome, Good, Famous, Righteous, Gracious, Merciful, Compassionate, Loving, Patient, Steadfast, Powerful, Faithful, Everlasting, Kind, Strong, Provider, Sustainer, Satisfier, Near, Preserver, Listener, Just, Worthy, Eternal…

  1. Which of these characteristics encourages you / strengthens you / means the most to you?
  2. How can this passage change our prayer life?
  3. Take the attributes of God in this passage and do some introspection - Which characteristic of God do you need to ask the Holy Spirit to infuse into you?
  4. Do you agree with the assertion that most Christ followers can improve how we celebrate?

  5. What if your Facebook Wall and Instagram Feed reflected how great your God is, rather than "how great you are?"

Faithful Celebration of God is:

  • Intentional
  • Inter-Generational
  • Theological
  • Personal
  • Prayerful
  1. Which of these themes from Psalm 145 resonated with you the most? Which of these is the most challenging for you?
  2. Name several of the Verbal Phrases and Celebratory Actions from Psalm 145.

David’s Celebratory Actions:
Extol God, Bless His Name, Praise Him Greatly, Commend God’s works to others, Declare God’s mighty acts, Meditate on His majesty & wondrous works, Speak of His might & great deeds, Declare His greatness, Pour forth (or CELEBRATE) the fame His goodness, Sing Aloud of His righteousness, SPEAK of the Kingdom, TELL of His power, Make Known his deeds, Call on Him, Fear Him, Love Him, and SPEAK the praise of the Lord!

  1. Give an example of what it would look like to live out these actions in your life.
  2. How can you effectively COMMEND God’s works to the next generation?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

The War on Sin

Why I Must Fight My Sin:

  1. Because my sin Dishonors God. (Col 3:5)

  2. Review: Psalm 16

  3. Because my sin Brings serious consequences. (Col 3:6)

  4. Review: Romans 6:1-2

  5. Because my sin Belongs in the past. (Col 3:7-10)

  6. Because my sin Ruins relationships. (Col 3:8-11)
  7. Review: 1 Cor 10:13

Guest Speaker - Taylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Colossians 3:5-11

  1. When you sin, what are you telling God with your actions? Why do we at times

    believe that sin is more satisfying than God? Why can sin never compare to a

    relationship with Christ?

  2. Even though we are new in Jesus, why do we choose to go back to our old ways

    of living? How can we fight against the temptation to go back to the old self?

  3. Does sin only ever affect us? How does it hurt other people? How can we help each other to fight against sin?

Breakout Questions:

  1. Confess the recurring sin(s) in your life that you struggle with. Pray for one another and develop an accountability plan to grow in your support among each other.

Essential Elements of Worship

  1. We Sing and we Witness. (Ps 96:1-3)

  2. Because He is Magnificent and He is Creator. (Ps 96:4-6)

  3. We Acknowledge, we Give and we Tremble. (Ps 96:7-9)

  4. Because He is Sovereign and He is Judge. (Ps 96:10)

  5. We Rejoice and we Celebrate. (Ps 96:11-12)

  6. Because He is Righteous and He is Faithful. (Ps 96:13)

Mark Ort - Elder HBCPN

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Psalm 96

  1. Why does Harvest Bible Chapel place such an emphasis on high impact worship services?

  2. What is meant by 'ascribe to the Lord'? Why would God want people to recite His attributes?

  3. How are worship and evangelism related? And what steps can you take to share the gospel with more confidence and with more frequency?

  4. What obstacles are holding you back from passionately worshiping the Lord? How can you overcome these obstacles?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.