Guest Speaker

Our Future Hope

What God calls us to expect (Revelations 21:1-8):

  1. RESTORATION of all things. (Rev 21:1,5)

  2. NEARNESS to God. (Rev 21:2-3)

  3. FREEDOM from suffering and death. (Rev 21:4)

  4. Eternal SATISFACTION for believers and eternal PUNISHMENT for non-believers. (Rev 21:6-8)

Guest Speaker - Taylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Revelation 21:1-8

  1. What are some common misconceptions that many Christians have about eternity with God? How can these false ideas negatively impact our lives? Why is an accurate understanding of Heaven so important in a believer’s daily life?
  2. In the sermon it was said that anticipation for the future God has in store for Christians should transform how we live in the present. How would this look in your own life? What are some practical ways that your daily life would look different this week if you lived in light of the promise of the new heaven and earth?
  3. God promises in this passage that one day all suffering and pain will end when Christ returns. What is a current trial or hardship you are currently walking through right now that you are having a hard time trusting God with? How could trusting in the promise of Revelation 21:4 change how you view and respond to your current struggle?

Breakout Questions:

Revelation 21:18 is packed with amazing promises of what the new heaven and earth will be like. What are you personally most excited for and why?

Called to Witness

  1. Witness about Jesus In the power of the Spirit. (Acts 1:1-8)

  2. Witness about Jesus In every context. (Acts 1:8)

  3. Witness about Jesus In light of the future. (Acts 1:9-11)

Guest Speaker - Taylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 1:1-11

  1. What are some ways that you have failed trust in the power of the Holy Spirit and quench His promptings instead of following them? What are some steps we can take in order to start obeying the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead and guide us daily?
  2. What are some ways you can faithful in your context to share the gospel and make disciples? Discusses people in your lives that you feel that God is leading you to share Jesus with and how you can be faithful to this prompting this week.
  3. What has distracted you from fully obeying Jesus’ mission to make disciples? What are some things that God wants to remove or re-position in your life so you can fully obey this call?
  4. Has your understanding of Jesus and what He requires from us changed over the last several weeks? How can this message series not just stop here but continually alter and transform us throughout this year?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Called to Follow

  1. Follow Jesus not Comfort (Lk 9:57-58)

  2. Follow Jesus not Money (Lk 9:59-60)

  3. Follow Jesus not People (Lk 9:61-62)

Guest Speaker - Taylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!
Sermon Audio: (no recording)

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Luke 9:57-62

  1. What makes you most nervous and anxious about stepping out of your comfort zone to obey Jesus? Discuss a time when you stepped out of your comfort zone and took a risk for Jesus and you experienced great joy and fruit.
  2. What lies about money have we in the church fallen into? What are some steps we can take to cease relying on money as our source of stability and instead rest in the God who provides for us?
  3. Like the man in Luke 9:51, what is the “but” in your life that keeps holding you back from truly devoting yourself to Jesus? What would be a way this week you could put your hand to the plow and push ahead with the mission God has given to you?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Called to Submit

  1. Submit to the Revealed Character of Jesus (Mk 8:27-30)

  2. Submit to the Perfect Plans of Jesus (Mk 8:31-33)

  3. Submit to the Infinite Worth of Jesus (Mk 8:34-38)

Guest Speaker - Taylor Brown

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 8:27-38

  1. What are some false views and versions of Jesus that exist in the culture around us and have invaded the church? What false views do you struggle with or tend to fall into that warp your view of Jesus and His call?
  2. Submission is a very unpopular concept but it is woven throughout the Bible as a vital aspect of the Christian life. Why is submission so difficult for all of us and what are some ways as Christians we can strive towards a life of submission?
  3. In Mark 8:31-33 Peter attempts to give Jesus some advice about what Jesus should do and Peter is rebuked for this. In what ways do we tend to mirror Peter by giving God advice and what can we learn from this passage in terms of submitting to the ways of Jesus?
  4. What are some obvious signs that a person is completely surrendered to Jesus and believes He is worthy above all? Is it obvious from your life that Jesus is the highest priority in your life?

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another.

Committed to My Children

Guest Speaker - Pastor Jeremiah Canfield, HBC Pittsburgh East

  1. Identify the WAY

  2. Maximize the Training

  3. Two ways to train: Discipling and DDisciplining

    Discipling 101: How?

    • Intentionally
    • Spontaneously
    • Exemplary
    • Consistently
    • Creatively

    Discipling 201: What?

    • Money
    • Purity
    • Friends
    • Working Hard
    • Honesty

    Fear of the Lord

    Disciplining 101: Why?

    • It shows your love
    • It pictures Christ

    Disciplining 201: How?

    • Confrontation
    • Reflection
    • Confession
    • Verbal Correction
    • Scripture Confirmation
    • Physical Correction
    • Restoration
    • Care
    • Repentance

  4. Persevere the to End

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions ­(Whole Group):
Read Proverbs 22:6

  1. Parents: How has actually having kids changed your previously held ideas about parenting and discipline? How has the Bible changed your ideas about parenting / discipline?
  2. What have you learned about parenting from your parents (positive OR negative lessons)? How do you see these ideas in light of God’s Word?
  3. How do you and your spouse share the responsibilities for discipline? If you disagree in any particular belief(s) of discipline, how do you resolve it?

Breakout Questions:

  1. What is the greatest struggle you face as a parent? What does the Bible say on that subject? (Be open for advice / encouragement.)
  2. Pray for one another.