Follow the Leader

Sabbath: Rules or Rest?

What is the Sabbath? CEASE / REST

You Need to Choose: Legalism or Jesus?

  1. Choose your BELIEFS: Legalism or the BIBLE . (Mk 2:23-28)

  2. Choose your PRIORITY: Legalism or LOVE . (Mk 3:1-5)

  3. Choose what to KILL: Legalism or JESUS . (Mk 3:6)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 2:23-3:6

  1. Share your ideas about the Sabbath. What was your understanding of the Sabbath when you were raised? Have your ideas changed? If so, how? What do you think is the purpose of the Sabbath?
  2. Complete this sentence: I feel closest to God (and/or most restful) when ...

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another.

Fasting: Training Your Appetite

Fasting 101

  1. What is fasting?

  2. Fasting is: ABSTAINING from food (and/or other things for measured periods of time in order to heighten my HUNGER for the things of God.

    Fasting is not:

  3. Why do we fast?

    Fasting is:
    Fasting is not:

    "Jesus, why do John's disciples and the Pharisees fast, but not your disciples?" (Mk 2:18)

    1. You can't fast while you CELEBRATE. (Mk 2:19-20)

    2. You can't add RELATIONSHIP to RELIGION . (Mk 2:21-22)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 2:18-22

  1. Why do you think the disciples of John and the Pharisees were bent out of shape about Jesus’ disciples not fasting?
  2. Was Jesus saying fasting is obsolete (see Matthew 6:16-18)? What would the purpose be of fasting today, if it is not something to make you “holier”?
  3. What was Jesus’ point about His two stories (the garment/patch and the wine/wineskins)? What are ways people try to mix the old (Law, religious works) and the new (Gospel, grace)? Why can’t you mix the old and the new?

Breakout Questions:

  1. When was the last time you fasted? Is there a reason for you to fast in this season of your life?
  2. Pray for one another.

Sinners: A Call to the Sick

The Controversy of Jesus

  1. Jesus attracts SINNERS. (Mk 2:13-15)

  2. Jesus evokes CRITICISM. (Mk 2:16)

  3. Jesus invites the SICK. (Mk 2:17)

What's your DIAGNOSIS?

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 2:13-17

  1. Since He had not yet died on the cross, how could Jesus offer forgiveness to the paralytic (Matthew 2:1-12) and Levi (Mk 2:13-17)?
    (Faith in Jesus is the only thing that ever saved anyone. Some, before His death on the cross [including those saved in OT times], believed in what He was going to do, others, like us, believe in what He had already done. Both are by faith.)
  2. In Mk 2:17, Jesus makes an analogy and a mission statement. Was He saying the scribes and Pharisees were actually righteous and didn’t need Him?
    (NO! Jesus was graciously deflecting their objections. They knew from the OT that there was “none righteous”, though they were acting as though they were righteous. Jesus was simply saying, “You are righteous? I am not here for you. I am here for people who recognize their need.)
  3. If we are to imitate Jesus and be a “friend of sinners”, and at the same time “not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” (read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18), how can we effectively do both at the same time without violating the other?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for one another.

Faith: Healed and Forgiven

Which character are you in this story?

  1. Are you one of the FOUR FRIENDS ? (Mk 2:3-4)

  2. Are you a SRIBE ? (Mk 2:6-7)

  3. How would I know if I'm a scribe?

    1. No one meets your STANDARD.

    2. You are known more for what you are AGAINST than what you are FOR.

    3. You look down on those who don't know as much BIBLE as you.

    4. You are obsessed with the SINS of others.

  4. Are you the PARALYTIC ? (Mk 2:5,9-11)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 2:1-12

  1. What is legalism? Why is legalism dangerous, individually and to the church?
    (Answer: Believing that keeping a list of rules makes you a better, more “spiritual” person. It is also when you enforce your convictions upon others. Danger is when you start believing that you are righteous by what you do, and “enforcing” convictions upon others always causes disunity.)
  2. What is a creative way you can invite/bring an unsaved/unchurched friend to worship service at HBC?
    (No lying or “bait and switch” allowed!!!)
  3. How should the church leadership best handle someone who is constantly looking for something to be negative about / complain / criticize? (Note: I’m asking for a friend.)

Breakout Questions:

  1. If your friends dropped you in front of Jesus today, what would He rightly perceive to be the greatest need in your life right now? Pray as a group to bring it before Jesus right now!


Prayer: First Priority

When I live under the authority of Jesus:

  1. Prayer is the PRIORITY. (Mk 1:38)

  2. How to make prayer MY priority: (Mk 1:35)

    1. Don't make prayer the LAST thing you do.
      Make prayer the FIRST thing you do.

    2. Don't hope that you get a CHANCE to pray.
      Be INTENTIONAL about praying.

    3. Don't allow DISTRACTIONS. Go somewhere where prayer is all you FOCUS on.

Matthew 6:6 - But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
Hint: Highlight blanks above for answers!
Sermon Audio: (no recording)

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Mark 1:35-39

  1. Does prayer seem like a chore to you? Why or why not? Why do you think most Christians struggle with prayer?
  2. What stands out to you about Jesus’ example in prayer? Why do you think Jesus made prayer such a priority? What does that tell you about the way we should make prayer a priority?

Breakout Questions:

  1. What is your “prayer plan”? Do you have one? What changes do you need to make to pray like Jesus’ example: first, intentional, and distraction­-free?
  2. Pray for one another.