Coming Soon!

Coming Soon: Two Beasts. (Revelation 13)

Coming Soon: Two Beasts. (Revelation 13)

Intro / Review:

The Coming of the Two Beasts. (Revelation 13)

  1. The Beast from the Sea: The ANTICHRIST (Rev 13:1-10)

  2. The Beast from the Earth: The FALSE PROPHET (Rev 13:11-18)

God is in control:

  1. So I Will Not FEAR

  2. So I am SECURE

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 13


  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. What do you think about the “mark of the beast”, and how buying and selling will be controlled? How do you think that will play out? Why do you think so many people will “buy in”?

  3. How do you understand the meaning of 666? Why do you think John presented it in such a mysterious way?


Pray specifically for our nation and leaders as a group.

The Longest Rivalry Ever. (Revelation 12:1-17)

Intro / Review:

Satan's Wars. (Revelation 12:1-17)

  1. The War Through HISTORY : Satan vs. Christ. (Rev 12:1-6)

  2. The War in HEAVEN: Satan vs. Michael. (Rev 12:7-12)

  3. The War HERE: Satan vs Christ's People. (Rev 12:13-17)

How to Win Satan's War on You. (Rev 12:11)

  1. PERCEIVE How the War is Won: By the Blood of the Lamb.

  2. PERSONALLY receive Jesus Christ: Have a Testimony.

  3. PERSERVERE No Matter the Cost: All the Way to Death.

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 12


  1. What is your big take-away from this passage / message? What did you learn about Satan that you previously did not know?

  2. What is the point of John being shown these signs here, at this point in Revelation?

  3. What is the significance of John explicitly telling us “this is a sign” (Rev 12:1,3)?

  4. Describe some things Rev 12:9-10 tell us about Satan.

  5. “There is only one kind of true faith: faith that is willing to go all the way to death.” Do you agree or disagree? See Rev 12:11 and Matthew 16:24-26.


Pray for one another!

Coming Soon: Victory is Declared. (Revelation 11:1-14)

Intro / Review:

Victory is Declared. (Revelation 11:1-19)

To Israel: Victory is MEASURED(Rev 11:1-2)

To the World: Victory is DEMONSTRATED (Rev 11:3-14)

In Heaven: Victory is CELEBRATED (Rev 11:15-19)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 11


  1. How does Zechariah (chapters 2 and 4) help you understand Revelation 11?

  2. According to the Bible, what makes God laugh (Psalm 2:4, 37:13, 59:8 - you may want to look at the context for fuller understanding)? How do you reconcile this with the truth that God “has no pleasure in the death of the wicked” (Ezekiel 33:11)?

  3. Why would God allow the 2 Witnesses to be killed, only to resurrect them (11:7, 11)? Why not just keep them invincible? What does this tell you about God - and the trials in your own life?

  4. Read the blog on our website that supplements the sermon. Who do YOU think the “2 Witnesses” are?


Pray prayers of thanksgiving!

Coming Soon: How Should I Feel About God's Judgment?

Intro / Review:

How Should I Feel? (Revelation 10)

How Should I Feel About God's Word? CONFIDENT. (Rev 10:1-7)

How Should I Feel About God's Judgment? BITTERSWEET (Rev 10:8-11)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 10


  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Why did John even mention that there was a message in the thunders (Rev 10:4) if he wasn’t allowed to record it?

  3. Explain what was illustrated by John eating the scroll (Rev 10:10).

  4. How is judgment both sweet and bitter?

  5. When it comes to judgment, which do you “feel” more - the sweet or the bitter side? Why?


Pray for your heart to really capture the sense of bitterness that comes with judgment, and that you would mourn over, pray for, and witness to the lost in your life.

Coming Soon! Judgment, Phase 2: The Trumpets, Part 2 (Revelation 9)

Intro / Review:


THE 5TH TRUMPET: Demons Bring Suffering! (Rev 9:1-12)

THE 6th TRUMPET: Demons Bring DEATH! (Rev 9:13-19)

THE MOST HORRIFYING PART: SIN is still preffered over GOD! (Rev 9:20-21)

Sermon Notes (PDF): BLANK
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Small Group Discussion
Read Revelation 9


1 - What was your big take-away from this passage / message?

2 - Why would someone who lived through the demon attacks still refuse to repent and turn to God (v20)? What does this say about the power and influence of sin?

3 - How do you know when someone is hard-hearted to the point of being unable to be reached with the Gospel (v20-21)? How can you suspect someone is heading there? What do you do in that case?

4 - The Greek word for sorceries (v21) is where we get the word “pharmaceuticals”. What is the connection between drugs and idolatry / evil spirits?


Pray for someone you know who is an addict, that the Lord would bring deliverance.