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Knowing Jesus - Knowing the Light of the World

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Knowing Jesus - Knowing the Light of the World Jeff Miller

Small Group Discussion
Read John 8:12-30

  1. What was your big “take-away” from this passage / message?

  2. Explain how willful ignorance and pride keep someone (who doesn’t believe in Jesus) in the dark. Why would these make someone refuse the light?

  3. Re-read John 8:28. How does the cross give the ultimate revelation that Jesus is God?

  4. What are some ways that people have “reinvented” God, ie, worship a god of their own imagination (John 8:19)? Before you came into the light of Christ, how did you imagine God to be?

Pray for one another to walk in the light of Jesus Christ! Is there any area of your life that you’ve been keeping in the dark?