Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Unstoppable and Blameless.

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The Unstoppable Church - Unstoppable and Blameless Jeff Miller

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Acts 19:21-41

  1. How can you tell if YOU YOURSELF have made money an idol in your life? What are the signs? What should you do if you have the signs?
  2. What are ways the church today gets involved with idols? How can we be done with them?
  3. The town clerk, or "mayor" (Acts 19:35-41) stopped the riot. Should Christians use the government for protection / advancing the kingdom? To what extent?
  4. "I don't care what other people think about me!" Is this a Christian attitude? Why or why not?

Breakout Questions:

Pray for your witness and testimony to reflect Christ.
Pray for favor from even your non-believing friends who see Christ in you.
Pray that any persecution that comes is because of the Gospel, not your personality.