Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North

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Bible 101 - Flood: Rebooting Humanity Jeff Miller

Small Group Questions (Whole Group):
Read Genesis 6-9

  1. Why did God flood the earth? Explain man’s condition based on Genesis 6:5.

  2. What are some evidences that this was literally a global flood as described in Genesis 6-9?

  3. What does it mean that God was “sorry that He had made man on the earth” (Genesis 6:6)? What does this tell you about God?

  4. Genesis 6:8 says "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord". What was the basis of that favor? See Hebrews 11:7

Breakout Questions:
Pray for one another. Pray specifically about our church and its leadership as we prepare to move to a new permanent church building.