Update from Nepal:

Psalm 109:27 - Let them know that this is your hand; you, O LORD, have done it!

It's always amazing when God does what only He can do, and it's always humbling when He does it through you. 

Read this. Look at the pictures. God provided, through your generosity, to send Nepal $3,900 – feeding 35 families - for a month - in a time of crisis. Will you thank the Lord?


Dear Respected Pastor Jeff Millar,
Loving Greetings from Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal

We would like to give you a report of your wired funds that you have sent for the aid for our brothers and sisters in Nepal. We called our brothers and sisters at our Church. We distributed  the food provisions from our church. However, your fund has been a great help. We were able to help 35 families with the provision of the food. This provisions would help them to survive each family for one month. It is such an unexpected and amazing work of God. Our brothers and sisters have experienced your aid and prayers as a huge blessing that they have ever seen in their life. Our brothers and sisters has never expected this aid as we also have never expected this to be happened. We thank God and you and for such a wonderful help.

We bought the provisions of food from different stores as the food was getting shortage. We collected foods from different stores and distributed it during the evening. Our brothers and sisters didn’t even have a food to eat due to this pandemic as they are not working during these lockdown. We were worried about their situation. But we continued to pray. And you are the answer of our prayers. It brought tear into my eye when I see the joy at the face of our brothers and sisters. We spent some time in prayers praying for you, your family and our church. Thank you very much for your kind support and prayers. We really appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts.

With Prayers,
Timothy Dahal
Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal.

Family Tip Tuesday Presents - The Household CTO

In the first week of our Family Tips Tuesday we discussed technology and your children while stuck at home during the quarantine. The presentation was called The Household CTO or simply, how to protect your family’s internet, hosted by Ben Murphy (guest starring Darren Miller).

Check out the full video presentation above and get the presentation slides which include all of the links to articles, podcasts, and research below:

Presentation Slides with links!

Additional thoughts (post-presentation):

I’ve had a few interesting conversations about this topic with friends and family. Here are some additional observations:

  • is likely the most common router admin login page

  • There are roughly 8 pages of porn for every non-porn page on the internet

  • At some point your kids will be smart enough to circumvent any filtering or blocking you choose to use. When they realize that a basic VPN is all it takes to get around this basic filtering, you have bigger problems. Hence parenting first!

  • Remember, if you allow your children to have a smart phone or device with a cell-phone type data plan, all they have to do is not use your home wifi network and they’re open to use the free internet again. This doesn’t replace parenting! On that note if you really need to get to your kids they do still make and sell flip phones. Using a cell provider like Ting allows you to have control over the voice, messaging, and data per device on your plan as you see fit from a touch of a button. So if they have to have that iPhone, it’s easy to disable the data plan on the fly (full disclosure that link is to my personal referral code for their service).

  • Putting forth a plan of action on internet usage in your home may present a "false sense of security" that you’ve done all that you need to do. Any level of filtering doesn't replace the parenting element. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Cutting Room Floor: Jesus Walking on Water Mentioned in the OT?

We are getting back into the Gospel of John after a break for focusing on Peter’s comments on the cross.

Here’s something I found interesting from the passage of Jesus walking on water (John 6:16-21 - Knowing His Care) that did not make it into the sermon:

Jesus walking on the water seems like a strange miracle. Most of His miracles had a benefit for someone (healing the lame, blind, sick, etc) - but this one doesn’t fit that mold.

BUT - was it prophesied in the OT? Read Psalm 107:23-30, pay attention to the verses I underlined, and consider for yourself:

23 Some went down to the sea in ships,

doing business on the great waters;

24 they saw the deeds of the LORD,

his wondrous works in the deep.

25 For he commanded and raised the stormy wind,

which lifted up the waves of the sea.

26 They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths;

their courage melted away in their evil plight;

27 they reeled and staggered like drunken men

and were at their wits' end.

28 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble,

and he delivered them from their distress.

29 He made the storm be still,

and the waves of the sea were hushed.

30 Then they were glad that the waters were quiet,

and he brought them to their desired haven.

—> Was this Psalm about Jesus walking on water, as in John 6? Some of the language seems awfully familiar! Cool stuff.

See you (online) Sunday. You are loved!

pastor jeff

-the Eddie Money song, ironically - not about Jesus

A Week of Prayer & Fasting

The Elders are calling on you to join us in a week of corporate fasting and prayer.

During these days of uncertainty- NOW is the time to be gathered (separately together) in prayer. During this week, leading up to and including Easter Sunday, join me in these specific prayers.

Download the Prayer Calendar HERE

Take a look at Page 1 for an in-depth look at what we are doing and why. Then, print out Page 2 and keep it handy this week. Put it on your fridge, or keep it in your Bible.

We are so sad to know that we won’t be gathering for our Easter celebration this year- but we are confident that the “Stay at Home” mandate does not apply to the Holy Spirit!