Haggai 101

During the month of May, we are walking through the book of Haggai. This will give you the context of the book to help you better understand the significance of what the prophet wrote. I believe the message in Haggai is the message the church, our church, needs desperately to hear.

Haggai is the next-to-the-next-to last book in the OT. It is a post exilic writing. What does that mean?

After Solomon’s reign, Israel divided into 2 parts, the Northern Kingdom (keeping the name Israel) and the Southern Kingdom (called Judah). Because both parts persisted in sin, God promised judgment in the form of conquest by another nation. This would put the Jews in exile, out of their own land.

In 720 BC, Northern Israel was conquered by the Assyrians.

In 586 BC, Southern Israel, Judah, was conquered by the Babylonians.

But God did not forget His promise to Israel to possess the land, so in 536 BC, the Jews began to return to their land from exile. How? Persia became the new world power (539 BC), and King Cyrus considered a defeated people would be glad to serve if in their own land. So he allowed the Jews to return. About 50,000 did in the first wave, led by a civil leader and a religious leader (Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest, respectively).

Much rebuilding needed done to their homeland, especially rebuilding the Temple, the Old Testament House of God. In 536 BC, the foundation of the Temple was laid, but the work stopped just 2 years into the project.

What’s the big deal with the Temple being rebuilt? First of all, it is the focal point of Israel’s worship. Neglecting the Temple shows that worship is being neglected. Secondly, this Temple would eventually be a place Jesus would minister, and it carries much significance surrounding the events of His life and work.

In 520 BC, after 14 years of looking at an unfinished Temple, the Lord speaks through the prophet Haggai. The Israelites have put themselves and their comfort ahead of rebuilding the Temple, the place representing God’s presence among them.Their priorities have gotten really off kilter, and that is what the book of Haggai is about.

Is God, and the things of God, a priority? Or have you made yourself, your comfort, your desires, a priority over God?

When you make yourself the priority, everything falls apart, but when God is at the center, He blesses as only He can. God has the answer that turns everything around. Because He Himself is the answer.

So, to summarize:

720 BC - Assyrians conquer Israel (Northern Kingdom)

586 BC - Babylonians conquer Judah (Southern kingdom of Israel)

539 BC - Persians conquer Babylonians

538 BC - Jews allowed to return to their land

536 BC - Foundation of the Temple laid

534 BC - Building of the Temple stops

520 BC - Haggai calls the Jews to rebuild the Temple - the LORD is the priority!

516 BC - The Temple is completed

2014 AD - Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North reads the book of Haggai and examines her own priorities

p.s. - Make coming to Harvest a priority for this series on priorities.

Women as Pastors?

Is it Biblically sound to have women in positions of ordained leadership, such as pastors and/or reverends?

At Harvest Bible Chapel, we encourage women to be in every position of leadership the Scripture permits. And the only position I can see the Bible reserves for men only is the role of pastor/elder (same thing).

This belief comes from 1 Timothy 2:12-14, where Paul says he does not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man. Note that Paul’s reason was theologicalNOT cultural. 

Many of our leaders here, and at HBCs world-wide, are amazing godly women. The Lord continues to raise up and use some very inspiring ladies to carry out Kingdom work. I know I am so thankful for the amazing women leaders at HBCPN, like Amanda, Michelle, and Mandy - just to name a few on our Ministry Team.

This is our last Question of the Week for a while! I hope these were helpful to you – and encouraged you to go after God’s Word for answers for even the toughest of questions.

Biblical Evidence for Spiritual Questions...

What hard evidence (Biblical or otherwise) is there for the following:

*”heaven” as the place where the “true” Christians go immediately after death?

*”hell” as the place where the non-Christians and/or false Christians suffer eternally?

*the current doctrine of the Holy Trinity?

*the soul or mind as separate and distinct from the body, particularly the brain?

The “hard evidence” is Scripture, God’s revealed Word, God’s revelation of Himself - the Bible. Especially with the things asked about here, there is no other source material. No one on earth has seen God. I have never been to heaven or hell. I have never had someone go either place and send me a postcard. The only material we have on any of these things is God’s Word.

So, here are some places to go in the Bible to answer these questions.

1,2 - See Matthew 25:46, Revelation 20. Heaven and hell are described as real and eternal places.

3 - The Bible speaks of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all as God (e.g. John 1:1). Many passages about this, check out “What We Believe >> Our Four Pillars and Doctrine” on our website.

4 - The Bible speaks of death as being a conscious/intelligent state, even though the brain of a deceased person stays in their body after they die.

Why is Satan Allowed to Exist?

Satan is permitted to exist for the same reason anything is - God’s sovereignty. If God did not have a purpose for Satan, then Satan would not exist.

What possible reason would God allow Satan to exist? The sin, the evil, the wickedness, the destruction caused by his presence and activity. Why?

God allows Satan, and evil, to exist for a time. One reason is it gives the opportunity for God to reveal things about Himself He couldn’t otherwise.

Like what? Imagine if there was never any evil in existence… ever. No sin, no failure, no rebellion. There are aspects of God’s personality that would be forever hidden. Like His grace, mercy, forgiveness, restoration - all things He puts on display in the human race for the angels to see (see Ephesians 3:10, 1 Peter 1:12). Things about God that can only be displayed because He actually DID allow Satan and sin. Things God has allowed so that we may see His grace.

So Satan is allowed to do his thing. For now. And you can be sure God is still in control and using Satan to ultimately accomplish God’s purposes.