
Women as Pastors?

Is it Biblically sound to have women in positions of ordained leadership, such as pastors and/or reverends?

At Harvest Bible Chapel, we encourage women to be in every position of leadership the Scripture permits. And the only position I can see the Bible reserves for men only is the role of pastor/elder (same thing).

This belief comes from 1 Timothy 2:12-14, where Paul says he does not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man. Note that Paul’s reason was theologicalNOT cultural. 

Many of our leaders here, and at HBCs world-wide, are amazing godly women. The Lord continues to raise up and use some very inspiring ladies to carry out Kingdom work. I know I am so thankful for the amazing women leaders at HBCPN, like Amanda, Michelle, and Mandy - just to name a few on our Ministry Team.

This is our last Question of the Week for a while! I hope these were helpful to you – and encouraged you to go after God’s Word for answers for even the toughest of questions.