In the second week of our Family Tips Tuesday, we discussed connecting with teens, with a specific emphasis on doing so while in quarantine. The presentation was called The Quaran-teen or how to connect with teens stuck at home, hosted by Alicia and Dan Thompson.
Check out the full video presentation, the presentation slides, and/or the links to other resources.
Download Presentation Slides
Resources: - Axis seeks to see all caring adults equipped with the conversation, discipleship, and culture translation skills needed to reach the next generation for Christ. - iMOM exists to help moms (and dads) be inspired to love their family well. They want to give parents help and hope so that they can enjoy the days to come. - Axis guide for Parents as we face this Covid-19 pandemic.
Path to Teen Connection - A three part video series on how to better engage your teen. We watched the first video during Family Tips Tuesday. The next step is to take the Free Assessment and watch the remaining two parts.
The Chosen - The first ever multi-season show about Jesus. It’s currently only one season, but it is amazing. All eight episodes of season one are available on YouTube or from the free The Chosen app. #BingeJesus
joy. - Amazingly appropriate music video for our time from For King & Country.