It doesn't get any more "GQ" than this friends! Lookin' tough on the roof!
Ever play that silly game "Never Have I Ever"? Well, I'm not going to explain the rules because it usually devolves into silliness among teen and post teenagers alike, but seriously NEVER HAVE I EVER been part of such an amazing and tangible outreach project! (hypocrisy alert! I didn't swing a hammer, I was just Mr. Documentary Boy for the day)
The beauty of this particular project is that we were able to come together as a church and take care of one of our own. In less than a month we coordinated a monstrous day of replacing a leaking roof for the Zeleznak family. Funds were raised, people were rallied, food was prepared, prayer was given, hugs were had, tears were shed, shingles were removed, beards were made fun of, laughter was abundant, hard work was given, joy was shared, but most importantly God was GLORIFIED!!!
There's nothing more I can really say, other than watch this top notch video edited by Brooke (she's amazing!):
This has surely been a very busy August and summer for the church. But next time there is the opportunity to help those in need, we pray that you jump at the chance to see what God does in your heart when you pour out blood, sweat, and oh yes many many tears for His kingdom, for His glory, for His church! Forever you'll be changed!!!