A Personal Invitation

If you have been near me more than 4 seconds in the last month, you have probably heard. If you see me on Facebook or Twitter, you have probably heard.

October 2, 2011, at 10:00 AM, Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North is launching at Marshall Middle School. 

I knew a month ago that it would take a miracle to get this church going. Fortunately, the Founder and CEO of the church is in the miracle business. Jesus said "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), and He told us to "go make disciples" (Matthew 28:19). No doubt He is doing His job. We must, in His strength, be faithful to do ours. I was holding back tears at our run-thru on Sunday, just looking around and thinking, "Look at what God did"!

So this is your personal invitation to come. I would love to meet you and work together in making disciples!

If you are already faithfully serving in a church, I would like you to pray for us and come and visit us occasionally. Come on launch day and bless us as we go forth. 

But if you feel God is calling you to be a part of an exciting new ministry, if you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you to be a part of starting this church, come and join up with us. This Sunday's message is about the mission of Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh North. Maybe you've been on the sidelines for too long and don't know how to get back in the game. This is your chance. 

Our theme this year: Jesus is first!

p.s. - counting down...