Q&A Day: Follow Up On Head Coverings.


A question was asked about head coverings. While I knew it was a cultural issue, it’s not one that I’ve studied in many years! So I did a little digging and came across a great article addressing the very issue asked. Instead of trying to simplify a more complex discourse, I encourage you to check this out yourself, if you are interested! Here’s the link:


Nepal Part 3!

If you were with us Sunday (either online or in person) you may have heard about the funds we were able to share with our brothers and sisters in Nepal during the lock down. Below is another message we received from Pastor Timothy. While facing the pandemic and a food shortage, as well as issues with their governing authorities, they were able to provide for 16 families, and have the resources for 14 more (as soon as they can get to them). PRAISE THE LORD!

Check out his message, and photos of the families we helped below. And continue to keep Pastor Timothy and Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal in your prayers- there is still so much need there.

Dear Respected Brother Jeff Miller,
Loving Greetings from Kathmandu, Nepal

How are you doing these days? We hope you are doing well. We are praying for you, your family and your church. We are also doing well here in Nepal. We praise God that we are safe amid of this pandemic. Thank you so much for your prayers.

We would like to give you the updated report of our food aid project for our brothers and sisters in Nepal. God has finally opened the door for us to go to our church today. We called our church members at our church only to those who are in the crucial need of the food aid. Twelve families were served with the food provision for about one month as you may see in the pictures that we have sent in attachment. Twelve people came representing their to collect food supplies. We hope this picture would speak to you alongside with this report. We provided the necessary food items that we use in our Nepalese kitchen.

We thank you for your kind support and It has been a great help. We believe this is God’s miracle. People were surprised when they heard about this food aid that we are doing at our own church. Our brothers and sisters from a Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal has sent their thanks to you and Harvest Bible Chapel Pittsburgh. We request you to convey this message to your church. We have supported with the provision of food for 16 families at our church in kathmandu. We are looking forward to support for 14 more families. We are trying to figure out another way to get to them.
We thought we would be stopped by police officers on our way. But God protected us to get to our church. No police were found on our way.

We need your continuous prayer, love and care. We really appreciate you from the bottom of our heart. However, our three more Harvest churches are also in need of the food aid. We came to know this yesterday. We are in this tract lockdown for last three months. These three churches are in the remote parts of Nepal. Most of our church members are farmers. Their food storage is empty. We came to know that they have nothing to eat. Please remember our three Harvest churches in your prayers as they are in the need. Thank you.

With Prayers,

Praying for Emotional Well Being

June 2020

Have you ever sat back and thought, “How lucky are our kids that they are growing up in a Christian home”? Before they were even born we are praying for them. I feel as a Christian parent it is our responsibility to be pouring Christ’s love into our kids. It is a parenting technique that will work wonders for your family. 

As our girls grow up they will be seeking love, acceptance, and self worth. We need to constantly be telling them they can find all of those things in Christ. Them knowing this may help them from trying to find these things in sexual relationships or attaching their self worth on outward appearances. For boys, they may search for their acceptance and respect by becoming bullies, loners, or outcasts. I truly believe our children can find their self worth, love, acceptance, and identity in Christ. Knowing where to find all of these things in Christ will give them a healthy emotional well-being. 

Our kids need to know that they are precious in God’s sight not because of anything they do but because they belong to God. We should also be helping, praying, and asking God for our kids to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made and that God sent His son to die on their behalf, and absolutely nothing can separate us from God’s love! 

Teaching and praying for our children to know and understand forgiveness will also encourage a healthy emotional well-being. When teaching our kids to forgive others when their feelings are hurt or physically hurt will help them not bottle up their anger and bitterness. It will set them free from anger and bitterness and lead them to contentment, peace, and Joy. When we are raising our children in a Christian home, we should be teaching them to love their enemies and bless those who don’t like them and pray for those people. Pray for your child to have a forgiving spirit and to always follow Luke 6:31, “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.”

So what is the secret to teaching our children contentment and joy? I would say there are three things we need to instill into our children. They are (1) God is good, (2) He is in charge, and (3) that He loves us and wants what is best for us. Praying for our children to put their trust in God’s promises and to depend on God’s love will give them pure joy even when things do not go their way. 

Look at each child. Proverbs 27:19 says, “As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.” What do your children’s hearts look like? If you see negative habits forming or want to prevent them from beginning, start working on their self worth. Fill their minds with the knowledge that they are precious in God’s eyes and that they belong to God. Read, pray, and memorize Psalm 139. Read the book of Philippians. It is full of Christian joy and gives advice on how to fend off things that may steal your joy. And finally reaffirm your trust in God’s promises. John 15:10-11 says, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my father's commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy  may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Here are some scripture based prayers you can use,

Heavenly Father....

Cause _____ to love her enemies, to do good to those who hate her, to bless those who curse her, to pray for those who mistreat her. Help _____ do to others as she would have them do to her. 

Luke 6:27-31

I pray that _____’s identity will be firmly rooted and established in Christ’s love, and that _____ may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that she may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. 

Ephesians 3:17-19

Do not let _____ be enslaved by her emotions. Christ has set her free, so let her stand firm, refusing to let herself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. 

Galatians 5:1

Join us on Monday June 27th, at 7pm for the next Next Generations Prayer meeting.

For more scripture based prayers for this topic please email me amoll@harvestpittsburghnorth.org 


Berndt, Jodie. Praying the Scriptures for Your Children, Chapter 11. 2001

Life Application Bible, NIV

Nepal Part 2!

Through your generosity, HBC gave another $3,900 to Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal - again to help feed their people during this pandemic preventing their work. Check out the email and pics from Pastor Timothy below!


Dear Respected Pastor Jeff Miller,
Loving Greetings from Harvest Bible Chapel Nepal

It has been a while since, we are not getting into contact. We hope you are doing well there as we are fasting and praying for you and your church. However, we would like to let you know that God is at work in Nepal. We have experienced a huge blessing from you for our brothers and sisters. Without you, we cannot even imagine our situation how worse it could be if you were not there for us. We believe it is our God providence that he has provided us a praying partner like you. We really appreciate you and your church from our heart.

We were able to get to four families with the necessary food supplies. Those four families were near to each other. So, we called them at one of our church family home and we distributed the food supplies. This food supplies has been a great help to them. This would allow them to feed for 40-50 days (one and half month). They said the aid came in the right time as they were worried and praying for the aid. This is our God's answer. However, it is a first update report of the food provision help. We are trying to reach out to more of our brothers and sisters.  We would keep updating to you. Please send our warm love and greetings to your family and church. We are praying for you, your family and your church. I have sent you pictures on attachment. Thank you.

With Prayers,
Timothy Dahal
Harvest Bible  Chapel Nepal.